FAQ: Introduction to Ruby - Multi-Line Comments

This community-built FAQ covers the “Multi-Line Comments” exercise from the lesson “Introduction to Ruby”.

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FAQs on the exercise Multi-Line Comments

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So the instructions for multi-line comments say the =end needs to be on its own line, and the editor coloring seems to agree. If you have a line starting with =end but with something after it like “=end hello”, then the text color remains the same as a comment until it sees =end by itself on a line.

However, the interpreter seems to think that any line starting with =end is the last line of the comment, and anything directly after =end on the same line remains a comment but lines after that are not.

Here is a screenshot of my tests.

If it’s not in the spec, we should not expect code to run how we want. Ruby has a very well defined and strict interpreter. If the spec says =end gets its own line, then respect that.

This likely traces back to heredoc syntax prescibed in other languages from which Ruby has evolved.

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Weird but even using the example in the “View solution” panel, the tutorial still doesn’t process it as a correct answer. It also keeps disconnecting and telling me “ruby: No such file or directory -- runner.rb (LoadError)

I am stuck because the “next” button won’t load since the exercise is not recognized as being correct. :confused:

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