FAQ: Introduction to Ruby - Comments

This community-built FAQ covers the “Comments” exercise from the lesson “Introduction to Ruby”.

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In both of of multi line comment exercises, it tells me I didn’t enter =begin even though I did on each exercise.

I don’t know if this is a bug or if i’m missing something





I am experiencing the same issue. I have erased and re written my comments however it keeps telling me it seems as though I have separated the equals sign and begin.

Any feedback?

1 Like

This was not accepted as a solution

# 1

The correct code is:

This comment is only one line long!


This comment

takes several



for anyone who came here before looking at the solution.

I have the same issue.

I think it must be a bug? I have done multiple lines in-between the =begin and =end, and I haven’t made any mistakes.

Its annoying as I can’t pass this last step even though I’m doing it fine!

I had some issue with this one too. You might want to reset the whole thing then follow the instructions exactly as it is written the hint index.

This is what I did


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