FAQ: Introduction to PHP Functions - Variable Scope

This community-built FAQ covers the “Variable Scope” exercise from the lesson “Introduction to PHP Functions”.

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FAQs on the exercise Variable Scope

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Please update this module to make logical sense. There are 2 variables, one defined by Codecademy and one not. Only one is used to find the proper ‘solution’ . Why list the ‘concept’ variable if it’s not to be used at all? The ‘concept’ variable should be replaced with the ‘topic’ variable for clarity if nothing else.


Yes, I don’t understand at all what’s asked here.

It’s confusing for me too as well. Maybe we’re using $concept instead of $topic to see more clearly how do passing arguments work. Thing I don’t understand is that how is $language local variable. PHP is little weird

I agree, confusing as ■■■■ also, I can see some bad “tutorial code creep”, almost all courses are like this, they throw sticks in the wheel to confuse you, to trap you. It’s bad teaching. First teach how to walk and not run. You don’t put up 400 meters hurdles for a baby learning how to walk…I think all these little tricks should be omitted on every lesson, until student reaches at least intermediate level.

I don’t understand this task. How can I solve it? I don’t see any logic. I broke my whole head. Please help me.

The initial code is as follows:


$language = "PHP";
$topic = "scope";

function generateLessonName($language, $concept)
  return $language . ": " . $concept;

echo generateLessonName($language, $topic);

The narrative introduces the global keyword which allows us to access a variable in global scope from within a function. The instructions tell us to remove the $language parameter and write it into a global statement. We would also remove $language from the function call argument.

Note the below, in which we carry out those instructions.


$language = "PHP";
$topic = "scope";

function generateLessonName($concept)
  global $language;
  return $language . ": " . $concept;

echo generateLessonName($topic);    //  PHP: scope
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What pisses me off, its that this course never talked about GLOBAL, now all of sudden we have to use the global keyword, like for return keyword we had about 5 exercises

they have mentioned it in “Variable scope”, please slowdown