FAQ: Introduction to PHP Form Validation - Custom Validations

This community-built FAQ covers the “Custom Validations” exercise from the lesson “Introduction to PHP Form Validation”.

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I’m stuck on step 4… no matter how much I test my working code, it just won’t complete!!! I’ve tested valid and invalid card numbers. Any idea?

This exercise appears to be bugged and I can’t move on, the code I have seems to be correct but the steps won’t complete.

Hi! I wrote this functions and work properly in the exercise.

card_type = _POST[“credit”];
card_num = _POST[“card-num”];
donation_amount = _POST[“amount”];

$feedback = $success_message;
}else $feedback = $error_message;

}elseif($card_type==="visa"){      if(preg_match("/4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?([0-9]{3})?/",$card_num)===1){
    $feedback = $success_message;
  }else     $feedback = $error_message;

$feedback = $error_message;


I used your code, but it did not work for me. There is no hint or whatsoever… so im a little stuck…
This is my code:


$card_type = $_POST["credit"];

$card_num = $_POST["card-num"];

$donation_amount = $_POST["amount"];


if($card_type === “Mastercard”){

if(preg_match("/5[1-5][0-9]{14}/", $card_num) === 1){

  $feedback = $succes_message;

} else {

  $feedback = $error_message; 


} elseif($card_type === “Visa”){

if(preg_match("/4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?([0-9]{3})?/", $card_num) 

=== 1) {

 $feedback = $succes_message; 

} else {

$feedback = $error_message;



} else {

$feedback = $error_message;



Few things to watch out for…

You’re checking for “Mastercard” and “Visa”

if($card_type === "Mastercard")
elseif($card_type === "Visa")

but, in the HTML, we’re getting the following values:

<option value="mastercard">Mastercard</option>
<option value="visa">Visa</option>

You also assign $feedback the value of $succes_message, but that is not the correct variable name. Re-read the instructions if in doubt.

You’re almost there! Just be careful as to what is asked of you, and you’ll be just fine.

Keep going

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Hi there! I was trying to understand the filter_var and preg_match in-built functions…i found it little tricky so i decided to take help of the google ,but still it is away from my reach. a helping hand would be good ? thanks!!!

I am stuck on step 3. Just can’t get past it. Tried many different ways. :frowning:

Here is one of my solutions:

    $card_type = $_POST["credit"];
    $card_num = $_POST["card-num"];
    $donation_amount = $_POST["amount"];
// Write your code here:
    $length = strlen($card_num);
    if ($length < 100) {
      if ($card_type === "mastercard") {
      } elseif ($card_type === "visa") {
    } else {
      $feedback = $error_message;
function testRegEx ($regex) {
  if (preg_match($card_num, $regex) === 1) {
    $feedback = $succes_message;
  } else {
    $feedback = $error_message;

For the above code I get this error:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare testRegEx() (previously declared in /home/ccuser/workspace/php-form-val-8/src/index.php:29) in /home/ccuser/workspace/php-form-val-8/src/index.php on line 35

Here is another solution, more in line with the instructions:

    $card_type = $_POST["credit"];
    $card_num = $_POST["card-num"];
    $donation_amount = $_POST["amount"];
// Write your code here:
    $length = strlen($card_num);
    if ($length < 100) {
      if ($card_type === "mastercard") {
        if (preg_match($card_num, "/5[1-5][0-9]{14}/") === 1) {
          $feedback = $succes_message;
        } else {
          $feedback = $error_message;
      } elseif ($card_type === "visa") {
        if (preg_match($card_num, "/4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?([0-9]{3})?/") === 1) {
          $feedback = $succes_message;
        } else {
          $feedback = $error_message;
    } else {
      $feedback = $error_message;

For this code I get the error below:

It looks like your code has a syntax error. Check that you’re not missing any semi-colons etc.

Also tried a switch but I’ll leave that out here.
I really can’t see the problem. Anyone? Thanks!

This is closer to what we’re trying to accomplish here. Almost there.

$length = strlen($card_num);
if ($length < 100) {

Could be done in just one line.

if (preg_match($card_num, "/5[1-5][0-9]{14}/")

For the regular expression match, the pattern comes first, subject second.

$feedback = $succes_message;

Instructions state:

If so, assign $feedback the value of $success_message .

These should get you closer to completion. Keep going!

Just an alternative here

> if (strlen($card_num)<100 and $card_type == "mastercard"){ 
>        if(preg_match("/5[1-5][0-9]{14}/",$card_num)){
>        $feedback = $success_message;
>       }else{$feedback = $error_message;}
> }elseif(strlen($card_num)<100 && $card_type == "visa"){
>        if(preg_match("/4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?([0-9]{3})?/",$card_num)){
>        $feedback = $success_message;
>       }else{ $feedback = $error_message;}
>   }else{$feedback = $error_message;}
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This took me a long time to figure out. But here is my working code:

// Write your code here:

if (strlen($card_num) < 100) {
if ($card_type === “mastercard”) {
if (preg_match("/5[1-5][0-9]{14}/", $card_num)) {
$feedback = $success_message;
} else {
$feedback = $error_message;

else if ($card_type === “visa”) {
if (preg_match("/4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?([0-9]{3})?/", $card_num)) {
$feedback = $success_message;
} else {
$feedback = $error_message;

if (strlen($card_num) > 100) {
$feedback = $error_message;

1 Like

Can anyone tell me why the example regex expressions in the “Custom Validations” section of the PHP course start and end with a forward slash character? This character isn’t mentioned that I can see prior to this section but then suddenly all of the shown regex expressions have it there at the start and end. E.g.

$pattern = '/^[(]*([0-9]{3})[- .)]*[0-9]{3}[- .]*[0-9]{4}$/';
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I’m stuck on step 3. Keeps telling me that “it” thinks I have a syntax error. “it” kinda sucks since the code runs fine and generates no errors. That means that "it most likely doesnt like something I typed. I’m frustrated. I tried a few other peoples solutions with the same results. Any ideas? I included all of it since I could not see anything wrong with any of it.

Thanks for any help

<?php $feedback = ""; $success_message = "Thank you for your donation!"; $error_message = "* There was an error with your card. Please try again."; $card_type = ""; $card_num = ""; $donation_amount = ""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $card_type = $_POST["credit"]; $card_num = $_POST["card-num"]; $donation_amount = $_POST["amount"]; // Write your code here: if (strlen($card_num) < 100) { if ($card_type === “mastercard”) { if (preg_match("/5[1-5][0-9]{14}/", $card_num)) { $feedback = $success_message; } else { $feedback = $error_message; } } else if ($card_type === “visa”) { if (preg_match("/4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?([0-9]{3})?/", $card_num)) { $feedback = $success_message; } else { $feedback = $error_message; } } } } if (strlen($card_num) > 100) { $feedback = $error_message; }; ?>

Make a donation

<label for="amount">Donation amount?</label>

  <input type="number" name="amount" value="<?= $donation_amount;?>">


<label for="credit">Credit card type?</label>

  <select name="credit" value="<?= $card_type;?>">

    <option value="mastercard">Mastercard</option>

    <option value="visa">Visa</option>



  <label for="card-num">Card number?</label>

  <input type="number" name="card-num" value="<?= $card_num;?>">


  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

<?= $feedback;?>

I solved the exercise but my issue is that the card type is not saved after submitting form. Does it work for you?

In case it helps anyone, I was also having isues with step 3. I tried so many ways and the issue in the end was that I was using preg_match wrong!

I was doing preg_match( string, expression ), instead of preg_match( expression, string )

Looking at some of the codes in here, I think a lot of us were in the same boat!

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The preg_match pattern for Visa seems a little strange. Can anyone explain the logic?

This is the pattern: “/4[0-9]{12}([0-9]{3})?([0-9]{3})?/”

If we break it down, it first matches the number “4”, then 12 instances of the numbers 0-9, and then, apparently, an optional extra 3 instances of the numbers 0-9 and another optional extra 3 instances of the numbers 0-9.

As I see it, this would allow a Visa number with a length of 13-16 digits, as both last patterns are optional. And also, they appear to be identical, so what’s the idea?

I’ve tried replacing the pattern with a simpler version that just checks for the number 4, then 15 instances of the numbers 0-9. This works well in my testing, and is a lot simpler.


There might be a very good reason for checking the suggested way, but to me it doesn’t make sense.

Hello java1478248818!

A few tips, tricks, and things to consider. Are there multiple buttons on your page? If so you could tie a particular button to the processing code.

For illustration, if you have a button to submit the form and you named that button submit_button you could try the following:

if($SERVER[“REQUEST_METHOD”] == “POST” AND isset($_POST[“submit_button”]) {
#code to format, process, and/or store data