FAQ: Intro to JSX - JSX Elements

This community-built FAQ covers the “JSX Elements” exercise from the lesson “Intro to JSX”.

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Web Development

Learn ReactJS: Part I

FAQs on the exercise JSX Elements

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Why do the instructions keep saying “Lemonade was a popular drink” when the exercise is looking for code that doesn’t include that text? The first exercise was looking for const h1 = <h1>Hello World</h1>;; I fail to see how those instructions mean anything. I’m better off not reading the instructions.

Got stuck at literally the second exercise (step 5). Exercise asked to write

<h1>Hello world</h1>


const h1 = <h1>Hello World</h1>;

The page just doesn’t move to the next one. Clicking Next doesnt do anything. Reviewing solutions, even “use solution” option doesn’t move the page forward. I don’t think I made any mistake here, what’s going on?

Edit: My bad, I wrote as per instruction that

<p>Hello world</p>

On the left side, there’s a green tick, but I just cant click “Next” as in, when clicking, the browser (Chrome) didn’t move me to the next page. I tried reloading but it stays the same, I’ll redo this later, perhaps I needed to clear some cache.

The instructions specify:

In app.js, write a JSX <p> element containing the text, Hello world. Use the example code above as a guide.

The example in the exercise has an <h1> element, but the instructions want you to create a <p> element. The example is only meant as a guide. You are meant to follow the specifications mentioned in Step 1.

Spoiler Code

It should be:

<p>Hello world</p>

Much thanks for your reply. I’ve edited my writing. I in fact, wrote <p> instead of <h1> it was a mistake when re-editing my message. The page just didn’t load when clicking “Next” button, even though I have a green tick on the left side