This community-built FAQ covers the “Histograms” exercise from the lesson “Histograms”.
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Learn Statistics With Python
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Hi everyone,
I cannot proceed from this page in the Histogram module:
It stops with an error message of “page unresponsive”. A screenshot is below. I have tried it in the past three days, and it’s not a matter of downtime on the Codeacademy website.

Hi there, I am having this same problem. @codecademy , please assist? Thank you!
Why can a range( ) object not be used as the range argument in np.histogram( values, range, bins) ?
This causes an error:
times_hist = np.histogram(times_np, range = range(0,24), bins=4)
This causes an error too:
times_hist = np.histogram(times_np, range(0,24), bins=4)
This works:
times_hist = np.histogram(times_np, range = (0,24), bins=4)
Can someone explain the argument ‘range’ and how it works on the back end?
Documentation is almost always a great place to explore details such as parameters, return values, examples, special remarks etc.
Documentation: numpy.histogram — NumPy v1.24 Manual
As you can see, range
is one of the optional named parameters of histogram
. It has a default value of None
. If we choose to provide an argument for this parameter, it must be in the form (float, float)

In this case, it is one of the named parameters and should not be confused with Python’s range
sequence type (Built-in Types — Python 3.11.3 documentation)
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