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What are the guidelines for using comments? I’ve met a lot of engineers who refuse to comment code and believe code should be self commenting/descriptive. But time and time again, when we are looking at code written by predecessors, people don’t have a good understanding of what and more importantly WHY a piece of code was written to perform such function.
I know we are barely learning Java but that is where we come in and change the game. I think comments are a great way of letting the person coming in after you know what your thought process was for writing code the way that you did. I will definitely utilize comments when I finally get to that point. It’s all about helping who sees your code next so they can build upon/improve it if necessary.
Of course. Comments are supposed to be logical pointers as to what your program is doing. Nobody wants to make the mistake of writing a few thousand lines of programs just to wake up and see nothing has been commented in case they decided to not run it and something went wrong. Then you have to scroll to find the issue all over again.
Comments are meant to be logical pointers to certain things. Now, you may think that is is personally a waste of time, but I comment on most of my programs because the goal is universal understanding in my case. If I write a program, I want to make it in a sense where everyone will understand it and that everyone will be focused on that exact thing. Of course, some people do not like spending the time do it, which I understand.