FAQ: Graphs: Python - Graph Review

This community-built FAQ covers the “Graph Review” exercise from the lesson “Graphs: Python”.

Paths and Courses
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Computer Science

Complex Data Structures

FAQs on the exercise Graph Review

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Hi, quick question. What"s a vertex instance?

1 Like

Vertex is a class. A vertex instance is an instance of that class, i.e., an object of type Vertex that has two attributes: value, a string, and edges, a dictionary.

You create a vertex instance by calling my_vertex = Vertex("My Vertex"). From that time on in your code, you can pass my_vertex just like any other object, and retreive its attributes like this:

this_node = my_vertex
x = this_node.value

# Output:
My Vertex

things that are missing in this lesson:
determining the weight of a path
example interview problem involving a graph to solve the problem
upon looking deeper in this course i believe these will be presented in the search algorithms module.



I tried to make my own version of a directed graph (outside of Codecademy, so I hope this is the right place to ask the question…)

I ran into a problem where my last piece of code doesn’t output to the terminal. My Vertex class has a self.edges variable, which stores all the vertices that self connects to, in the form {to_vertex: weight, to_vertex: weight} etc.

I wanted my graph to have a self.show_edges() method, which is here:

def show_edges(self):
        print("Edges for {self} are as follows: \n".format(self = self))
        edges = {}
        for vertex in self.vertices:
            edges[vertex] = []
            for to, weight in vertex.edges.items():
                edges[vertex].append((to, weight))
        return edges

When I run this on the terminal, all the other methods work as expected but the .show_edges() method only prints the line “Edges for self are as follows:” and nothing else.

I know that all the code is at least being read because I tried adding print statements after each line, and they all got printed.

What’s messing with me even more is, when I run the code as a Jupyter Notebook, it works perfectly.

Is this something to do with the way the terminal works? Or is mine just broken somehow?

Many thanks,
