FAQ: Graphs: Conceptual - To Connect, or Not to Connect?

This community-built FAQ covers the “To Connect, or Not to Connect?” exercise from the lesson “Graphs: Conceptual”.

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Computer Science

Complex Data Structures

FAQs on the exercise To Connect, or Not to Connect?

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No one ever seems to answer these questions on the blank exercises so : Opportunity Seized…

I think the images of the graphs here could be made clearer that they are bi-directional with some sort of artsy arrow to indicate that they are bi- directional. This is also handy in demonstrating if the graph has any cycles at all. I realize this is lesson one but would help with understanding graphs I think.

It seems to me between Ron and Ted (Also too bad it wasnt Marshall Lilly Barney Robin for HIMYM jokes or if were going to use Ron HP??? I mean put Luna and Neville in the two node graph there at the bottom right!!? ) if we look at them as destinations Patty is a really good connector between them two. There is also the fact it appears Ron and Ted are directly friends to begin with. If Alice is chosen to be the beginning place that all connections are branching out from that’s another path… That’s why I think arrows to determine directional relationships might be a good addition here.

As for question two you could connect Sally and Gil up to anyone of the cyclical relationships in the Ron and Ted graph. It just depends what you want to accomplish. Probs attach to Ms. Patty ?? Or Mr. Ted?


I’m now on pins and needles to see if they introduce arrows shortly lol.

2 years later, no arrows introduced