FAQ: Graph Search: Python - Search It Again, Sam

This community-built FAQ covers the “Search It Again, Sam” exercise from the lesson “Graph Search: Python”.

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I programmed DFS algorithm following the instructions, got all checks. And with graph provided to test the DFS function I get suspicious result.

Graph provided to test the function:
the_most_dangerous_graph = {
‘lava’: set([‘sharks’, ‘piranhas’]),
‘sharks’: set([‘lava’, ‘bees’, ‘lasers’]),
‘piranhas’: set([‘lava’, ‘crocodiles’]),
‘bees’: set([‘sharks’]),
‘lasers’: set([‘sharks’, ‘crocodiles’]),
‘crocodiles’: set([‘piranhas’, ‘lasers’])

and function call with “print(dfs(the_most_dangerous_graph, “crocodiles”, “bees”))” got one of the results:
[‘crocodiles’, ‘lasers’, ‘sharks’, ‘lava’, ‘piranhas’, ‘bees’]

Is there a bug in algorithm, how come one can get from “piranhas” to “bees” if “piranhas” is not directly connected to “bees”



I noticed. When I hit “run,” sometimes I get

“[‘crocodiles’, ‘piranhas’, ‘lava’, ‘sharks’, ‘lasers’, ‘bees’]”

and other times I get:

[‘crocodiles’, ‘lasers’, ‘sharks’, ‘lava’, ‘piranhas’, ‘bees’]

and other times I get:

[‘crocodiles’, ‘piranhas’, ‘lava’, ‘sharks’, ‘bees’]

what gives???

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Let’s start from the 3rd -> 4th vertex, sharks -> lava (1st choice from sharks), then the 1st vertex choice from lava is sharks. But it’s already visited so skip it.

The 2nd vertex choice from lava is piranhas, it’s not visited yet so pass it as the neighbor argument into the next recursive call.
Inside of recursive call, add the piranhas into the visited list. Then check the vertex choices from it. However, both lava and crocodiles vertices inside piranhas have already been visited. It means it won’t call the next-next recursive call nor return anything.

Consider the path is already “ended”. Back to the beginning of where we started, 3rd vertex, shark. This time choose the 2nd choice -> bees. It hasn’t been visited and it’s the target value, so add it into the list and return.


I’m guess the set is like the dictionary, which is un-ordered. So it may pick the vertex randomly instead of following any pattern of either index or alphabet.


It makes sense that the program would return back to shark since its the only key in the dictionary that has a neighbor that hasn’t been added to visited. I just don’t understand how the program “knows” to go back to the beginning. Does it re run all of the previous recursive calls until it finds bees?

Also an “aha” moment for me during this lesson was reading that “A Set is an unordered collection data type that is iterable, mutable, and has no duplicate elements”. That’s why the neighbors are picked at random.


Yes. It randomly picks one neighbor, then runs down all of its neighbors, etc.

  for neighbor in graph[current_vertex]:   # one neighbor is selected
    if neighbor not in visited:            # has this neighbor been searched?
       #  if not,  recursively search this neighbor
       # once this neighbor's tree is exhausted, back to "for", for the next neighbor

… that’s how recursion works: each top branch is completed before the next one is attacked, and so on, all the way down.


Thank you for the reply


I noticed the same, and I understand all explanations given. However, given that one of the possible paths returned by the function is “[‘crocodiles’, ‘piranhas’, ‘lava’, ‘sharks’, ‘lasers’, ‘bees’]”, and given that the problem description stated that “…We’ll go with the third option here (i.e. Return the path itself), which gives us the other information as well”, the proposed solution does not seem to be right, since this outcome is not really a path…

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "script.py", line 28, in <module>
  File "script.py", line 13, in dfs
  File "script.py", line 13, in dfs
  File "script.py", line 13, in dfs
  File "script.py", line 14, in dfs
    if target_value in path:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

just why?

def dfs(graph, current_vertex, target_value, visited=None):
  if visited is None:
    visited = []
  if current_vertex == target_value:
    return visited
  # Add your recursive case here:
  for neighbor in graph[current_vertex]:
    if neighbor not in visited:
      if target_value in path:
        return path

I think the problem is that they never added a .pop() command for path vertices that had proven to be dead ends. So the “path” provided by this program is actually just the visited list.


I’m so confused about the ‘return path’ part.

Why are we returning path?

We are recursively calling the function. Path is the result of the recursive call of the function (which will return ‘visited’ when the base case is satisfied) so we return it so that our function returns the value we are looking for

I just did this lesson and came here to see if anyone else had noticed the problem with their solution. It looks like quite a few people have, but I don’t see an explanation here.

The reason the algorithm sometimes returns vertices that aren’t part of the solution is that the ‘visited’ variable is passed by reference. So, every instance of the ‘dfs’ function is sharing the same ‘visited’ list. Wrong paths are still adding their vertex to the shared list.

The solution is to make a deep copy or to make sure that ever instance of ‘dfs’ is overwriting the contents of ‘visited’.
One way to do this would be to replace ‘visited.append(current_vertex)’ with ‘visited = visited + [current_vertex]’. If you make that change, you won’t get results like:


Please note the July '19 responses from garrettvankranenburg and patrickd314 - especially the former’s note about:

The problem with their solution, which hopefully has been fixed by now, is that it is returning nodes that aren’t part of the solution. In the example given, start at ‘crocodiles’ and find ‘bees’, the two solutions would be, “crocodiles - lasers - sharks - bees” or “crocodiles - piranhas - lava - sharks - bees”. To get to the first solution it’s fine that our algorithm looked at ‘lava’ and ‘piranhas’, but when we get to ‘piranhas’ and both of its neighbors have been visited we return None, so they should not end up in the path variable that gets returned when we find ‘bees’.
It is a lot easier to see that the solutions returned by the example code aren’t valid paths if you draw out or make a visualization of the graph.

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Good point. I haven’t had the chance to investigate.

It fails test case if spelling of neighbour is not as expected

  # Add your recursive case here:
  for neighbour in graph[current_vertex]:
    if neighbour not in visited:
      path = dfs(graph, neighbour, target_value, visited)
      if path:
        return path
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Yes, what a shame! I guess this lesson is meant only for those in the world who follow American spelling rules.