FAQ: Graph Search: Conceptual - Breadth-First Search (BFS) Conceptual

This community-built FAQ covers the “Breadth-First Search (BFS) Conceptual” exercise from the lesson “Graph Search: Conceptual”.

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The Question: How could you use BFS to find the shortest walking route between Casa Batlló and the Sagrada Familia?

Though real talk having been to Barcelona… just take the subway because that is a heck of a walk !!! I mean enjoyable and you will stop for snacks… but take the subway its faster and public transport around the world is still “getting some culture” but I digress. Also Sagrada is kind of expensive to get into FYI… if you have a student ID floating around… use it.

Also in the image there are blue dots scattered around are they extra vertices to be considered??? So this might not be the perfect answer… but based on using the cardinal tourist spots listed this is what could be an implementation of BFS…

if we take Casa Batlo as vertex uno it would visit both La Pedrera (2) and Sagrada(4) on the first pass… so objective done…You’ve got there YAY!! but obvs… the algo will visit Pedrera and Punxes and finish…

Here’s where my calamity is and possible sticking point: If we were given weights to these vertices it may very well be it’s faster to go Batlo , Pedrera, Punxes and then Sagrada… but we aren’t … so again maybe it’s because I’m having me a day but I feel the images are missing information or don’t quite suit the question asked. Because Helpful Video guy Matt even states "we’re going to use the minimum value here but that’s always the case.


Another awesome answer as always lol. And it’s Helpful Video guy Matt “from Ohio”, don’t forget that part! :slight_smile:

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Apologies… I shouldn’t have been so careless :upside_down_face:… That should read: Helpful-Video-Guy-Matt-From-Ohio !!

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