FAQ: Errors in Python - Type Errors

This community-built FAQ covers the “Type Errors” exercise from the lesson “Errors in Python”.

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Analyze Financial Data with Python
Build Chatbots with Python
Build Python Web Apps with Flask

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hello! <3

why would this correction not be considered a viable solution?

print(“The rectangle area is” + str(area) )


Has anyone figured this out?

Would also like to know why this isn’t accepted as a solution.

I think it would have more to do with style, as you are debugging some one else’s code that using their style to remain consistent is key. You’ll notice that it does print correctly.

Please let me know if I’m wrong though!

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It is a viable solution except Codecademy is very specific and narrow in the answer they want. A lot of these problems may have multiple solutions but they will mark them wrong if it’s not the exact one they’re looking for.

I did the same thing as you, the output terminal doesn’t say I have a TypeError but CodeAcademy won’t let me progress. Extremely frustrated right now.

I just reset my code, tried it again and for some reason it worked. I have no idea.

Hi, I just used the same style the coder used to print the area of the triangle and circle. So just change the ‘+’ to a ‘,’ and all went well.


Just put a comma. It looks like this:

print(“The triangle area is”, area)

Agreed - I wish they would build their tests to accept any valid solution, not just the exact one they’re looking for!

My main question is what sets " , " apart from " + "? Why do I need to make area a string when I use " + " but not a comma?

When you pass arguments of any type to print it effectively calls them with the str() function before outputting them as text. What you’re doing with the comma , is passing multiple arguments to the print function. Since each function is converted to text of some form before printing this is fine.

The + for the string type is concatenation that joins two strings into a new string. In that case the concatenation is performed first and then you’re passing a singular string object to print which is fine too.

Worth knowing both options exist and the differences between them.


i was writhing a whole big answer but mistakenly i just escaped and whole text got removed, sorry :frowning:

This worked for me:

print("The rectangle area is " + str(area))