FAQ: Errors in Python - Name Errors

This community-built FAQ covers the “Name Errors” exercise from the lesson “Errors in Python”.

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Analyze Financial Data with Python
Build Chatbots with Python
Build Python Web Apps with Flask

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FAQs on the exercise Name Errors

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File “script.py”, line 1, in
NameError: name ‘score’ is not defined

I was just wondering how could the computer identify this case as a NameError instead of a SyntaxError(It can also be interpreted as ‘score’ is a string but quotation mark is missing).

What is the weird \n thing i see in the print() section?
it indicates that a new line will be printed. Which is alot easier than “”" ENTER “”"

1 Like

What should go in option three other than “” ?
Please help satisfy my third eye.

How was I meant to know “yoo-hoo” was the missing option 3? What is yoo hoo? in fact what are all those options? Fresca? V8? what??

It isn’t really relevant for the lesson. They already provide the answer to the question which is A(a)/option 1, Fresca.
You are supposed to simply assign the variable ‘option3’ to any answer you want, since that’s one of the name errors you have to debug. Yoohoo, water, orange juice, it doesn’t matter. The code will use ‘A’ (option1) as the answer regardless of what beverage you assign option3 to.

Hope it makes sense.

You have prolly figured this out by now but I’m answering, nonetheless, for anyone who might be confused in the future.

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Hi, forgive my ignorance, but if I remove option3 entirely from the script, would that not also fix the ‘Name Error’?

In this program there are two name errors, one is option3 variable is not defined and other one is score variable was incorrectly typed in line 19. We have two solutions here, either option3 variable can be defined or print statement in line 13 can be removed.

Hello some knows why in this program the score += 100 is in the program? I run the program without it and have no error!



I agree. I knew there was an error that option3 was not defined yet. I was looking for something else in the code which would hint to what option3’s value should have been. I would have never guessed that I was just supposed to just put anything that I wanted there.

Hi, why it still gives me “#2: There’s a misspelled variable name somewhere in the program.” ?
I fixed option3 by defining it above, and scor+ in score = 100 in line 20. But it still gives me an error.

I can’t access the exercise & instructions.

What was the original code on line 20? Perhaps instead of    score = 100   , try typing    score += 100

It works! Thanks a lot :teddy_bear::ok_hand:

Old post, but in case anyone else is wondering in the future…
It knows that it’s a name error because without the quotations, Python interprets score as a variable. Any variable related misspellings and undefined variables would throw a name error.

Syntax error is more for when you have errors in spelling out commands and keywords in the program, like a punctuation that doesn’t belong or missing paranthesis, or partially missing quotations as you mentioned. It doesn’t have anything to do with a variable.

By the way, if it’s a string that you are typing, Python would never throw an error based on misspelling. It’s not a spellchecker and strings can be whatever sequence of characters you want.


The += notation is an addition assignment used to add the value to the existing variable. So in this case it adds 100 to the score. Removing it would solve the name error (since no misspelling of the variable exists) but you are also removing a functionality from the program.