FAQ: Doubly Linked Lists: Conceptual - Doubly Linked Lists Introduction

This community-built FAQ covers the “Doubly Linked Lists Introduction” exercise from the lesson “Doubly Linked Lists: Conceptual”.

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FAQs on the exercise Doubly Linked Lists Introduction

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Hello there.
I have some question about this concept lesson.
in this lesson it says,

Due to the extra pointer and tail property, removing the head from a doubly linked list is slightly more complicated than removing the head from a singly linked list. However, the previous pointer and tail property make it much simpler to remove the tail of the list, as we don’t have to traverse the entire list to be able to do it.

here I don’t understand why ‘tail property’ make removing the head from a doubly linked list? since removing head will just gonna affect on the front line of the list not the tail side?

let’s say we have we have 10 nodes in our list
and when we trying to to 2 actions

  1. removing the head from the list
  2. removing the tail from the list.

1 might need to focus on the 2nd node,
which means that i need to change 2nd node’s prev node to null
and change its next node as it was.

that’s all
i think i don’t need to consider about tail node.
is there any misunderstanding in my explanation?

please anyone teach me… haha thank you !

I think you are correct. I think the tail node wouldn’t affect the head deletion/insertion in normal doubly linked list.

One interesting idea is having a ‘circular’ doubly-linked list, where tail.next == head and head.prev == tail. In other words, once you get to the tail, you loop back around to the head, and vice versa. In this case, if you were to remove the head from the list (action 1), one might change the tail node’s properties as well as the 2nd node’s properties.

making both the

  • tail.next = head.next; // leaving out the head node from the circular doubly-linked list
  • head.next.prev = tail; // " "

then removing head’s links

  • head.next = null;
  • head.prev = null;

then making head point to the new head

  • head = tail.next; // the new head

// or something similar

Source 1 is a picture of a circular doubly-linked list:

(source 1: Joshua Hannan, Circular Linked List in Solidity! | by Joshua Hannan | Modular-Network | Medium )
(source 2, linear doubly linked lists: Computer science in JavaScript: Doubly linked lists - Human Who Codes )

*I’m not too familiar with this lesson but hope this helps!