FAQ: DOM Events with JavaScript - Removing Event Handlers

This community-built FAQ covers the “Removing Event Handlers” exercise from the lesson “DOM Events with JavaScript”.

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FAQs on the exercise Removing Event Handlers

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Hello so just a quick question. Is there any reason why we could not just put the .removeEventListener’s at the bottom of the two .onclick events. When I tried it, it seemed to do the same thing. Just wondering if there are any problems that can come across with doing it like this.

let door = document.getElementById('door');
let unlock = document.getElementById('unlock');
let lock = document.getElementById('lock');
let sign = document.getElementById('sign');
let cafeImage = document.getElementById('image');

cafeImage.hidden = true;

let openDoor = function() {
  door.hidden = true;
  cafeImage.hidden = false;

let closeDoor = function(){
  door.hidden = false;
  cafeImage.hidden = true;

unlock.onclick = function() {
  sign.innerHTML = 'OPEN';
  unlock.style.backgroundColor = '#6400e4';
  lock.style.backgroundColor = 'lightgray';

lock.onclick = function() {
  sign.innerHTML = 'CLOSED';
  lock.style.backgroundColor = '#6400e4';
  unlock.style.backgroundColor = 'lightgray';

unlock.addEventListener('click', function(){
  door.addEventListener('click', openDoor);
  cafeImage.addEventListener('click', closeDoor);

lock.addEventListener('click', function (){
  door.removeEventListener('click', openDoor);

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Shouldn’t the JavaScript door game we developed in the previous exercise come after this chapter?

Looks like we already used eventhandlers in that game even though the course on them came after the game?

Exactly. This makes no sense…

My code is working but not accepted…

lock.addEventListener('click', () => {

  door.removeEventListener('click', openDoor);


Is there a reason we don’t name the function and then pass the variable as the parameter? It specifically states its not best practice to use anonymous functions as event handlers in the lesson before.

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I also faced This Problem,
Sometimes codecademy requires particular syntax,


door.removeEventListener(‘click’, openDoor);

this will work !!

I find this function pretty confusing:

unlock.addEventListener('click', function(){
  door.addEventListener('click', openDoor);
  cafeImage.addEventListener('click', closeDoor);

It adds an event listener that adds two event listeners…

Also, what’s the advantage of doing it like this over just adding onclick events to the existing block further up?

unlock.onclick = function() {
  sign.innerHTML = 'OPEN';
  unlock.style.backgroundColor = '#6400e4';
  lock.style.backgroundColor = 'lightgray';

The previous lesson says using an addEventListener (JS people, why you just not call it addEventHandler instead?) isadviisable when there is already an eventhandler assigned to the element in question.
This particular function, however, already does a number of things onlick. Why not just add the openDoor and closeDoor functionality to that list?
This must by one of the things that only start making sense when I comeback to them quite a while later.

I’m also wondering why the arrow function isn’t appropriate in this case.


Perhaps a silly question, but I find it counterintuitive that the showFortune function removes itself with the .removeEventListener method. Conceptually, am I to imagine it like a one-time function that disappears after running once?
I initially had the method .removeEventListener remove the fortuneSelector function instead, but that didn’t work… Can someone please tell me why that is? Thank you!

The function is not removed, only the active listener property on that object. The function remains as it is. Listeners are extremely resource heavy and can greatly affect performance when left active even after it is no longer useful. We free up memory and clock ticks by removing the listener.