FAQ: Different Plot Types - Simple Bar Chart II

This community-built FAQ covers the “Simple Bar Chart II” exercise from the lesson “Different Plot Types”.

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Data Visualization in Python

FAQs on the exercise Simple Bar Chart II

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What does ax = plt.subplot() create when no arguments are given to it? Does it default to whatever was plotted directly before that argument was made? In this case plt.bar(range(len(drinks)), sales)?
If so, is that why if I pass in parameters other than 1,1,1 into subplot, the resulting graph doesn’t display y values? If I do ax = plt.subplot(2,2,1), is this creating a new figure over my plt.bar(range(len(drinks)), sales) graph?

Also, why do I need to have the command ax.set_xticks(range(6))? Isn’t that already the case before we make this argument based on the first parameter in my plt.bar command? It doesn’t work so obviously not, but I don’t understand why. It seems like ax = plt.subplot() knows to take some of the info from plt.bar(range(len(drinks)), sales), but that we have to fill in some info it missed out on.

I hope I’m being clear in what I am asking!


why does the x axis not pick up the first element of the dribks list if ax.set_xticklabels() is not preceeded by ax.xticks() for the bar chart

Because you have to set the x tick locations/marks before you label the x ticks.


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