FAQ: Debugging JavaScript Code - Locating Silent Bugs

This community-built FAQ covers the “Locating Silent Bugs” exercise from the lesson “Debugging JavaScript Code”.

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Is it me or is this lesson (ironically) buggy? I can’t seem to get green from step 2.


I am having trouble deciding where to put the console.log() statement inside the if statement. I tried it before and after the word if but it didn’t work.
Where does this go?
console.log('Word value inside of if statement: ’ + word);

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Mine worked when I placed it at the start of the curly braces (of if statement) and before the return statement.

I’m having the same issue and I don’t know what it is asking…

I tried this too and it still isn’t working…

function capitalizeASingleWord(word) {
if (word.match(’ ')) {
return null;

I found the solution to step 3 but also had problems. I think it’s incorrectly worded.

This is the first IF statement to succeed on #3

  if (!word.match(' ')) {
    console.log('Word value inside of if statement: ' + word);
    return null;

Basically don’t fix the IF condition until step 4


Did anybody find a solution to the top post? I’m stuck on exactly the same thing right now.


Same issue… Tried many versions. Anyone knows how to do the step 2 to get it accepted?

Try checking the wording on question 1 again. Did you do something that it didn’t actually tell you to do?

function capitalizeASingleWord(word) {console.log(word)

  if (!word.match(' ')) {
    return null;
  let firstLetter = word.charAt(0);
  const restOfWord = word.slice(1);
  firstLetter = firstLetter.toUpperCase();
  return firstLetter + restOfWord;

This should work…(I think its a bug)

for instructions no 2, put console.log(word) before the return null (if statement), not line 2 after the function. It’s so confusing

if (word.match(’ ')) {
console.log(word) ←
return null;

non functioning!!!help me!!

The error is the “!” before the word.match, but don’t delete it in the first step.
Follow the steps:
Step 1: Just run it.
Step2: type console.log(word); before the if.
Step 3: copy the code console.log('Word value inside of if statement: ’ + word); before the if statement.
Step 4: delete the !


Hi, The following code seems to be working for me to move from Step#2 to Step#3.

  1. Just run the code in the first step.
  2. Add the console.log(word) immediately after the opening curly braces.
  3. Proceed as mentioned.
function capitalizeASingleWord(word) {console.log(word)
  if (!word.match(' ')) {
    return null;
  let firstLetter = word.charAt(0);
  const restOfWord = word.slice(1);
  firstLetter = firstLetter.toUpperCase();
  return firstLetter + restOfWord;

// Should return "Hey"
console.log("capitalizeASingleWord('hey') returns: " + capitalizeASingleWord('hey')); 

// Should return null
console.log("capitalizeASingleWord('hey ho') returns: " + capitalizeASingleWord('hey ho'));

Solution for Step 2 to 3:
function capitalizeASingleWord(word) {


if (!word.match(’ ')) {


return null;


If you are stuck at step 3:


Delete the ! in step 3 to progress on to step 4, looks like they implemented a bug into the bug exercise.

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This right here is the solution. Is there anyway to pin this

When I have came to step 3 into Locating Silent Bugs, i could not do the task, but i wrote necessary ’ console.log(‘Word value inside of if statement: ’ + word);’. Only when I corrected the mistake at ‘if (!word.match(’ ‘))’ to ‘if (word.match(’ ‘))’ i can continue. In the step 4 i changed nothing, just ‘run’ and that`s it.

p.s. Sorry for my maybe bad English and maybe bad explain. :smiley: