FAQ: CSS Color - RGB Colors

This community-built FAQ covers the “RGB Colors” exercise from the lesson “CSS Color”.

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FAQs on the exercise RGB Colors

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Why does the lesson keep referring to RGB colors as “decimal” colors? Isn’t that quite confusing since hex colors are also “hexadecimal”? Where does the decimal come in anyway?

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That is weird. It speaks to a confirmation bias of the lesson author. All we need to do is squeak past that and put it into our own perspective. Rear view mirror.


when they say they are equivalent, do they mean none is better than the other?. cause they obviously don’t mean interchangeable. or do they mean they can express the same number of colors?.

Using RGB , you have 256^3 different colors you can choose form, Using Hash, you have 16^6 different colors you can choose from. Both equal 16,777,216 colors. So yes,they express the same number of colors.


Hello everyone! I just noticed some of the hex value written in caps lock (capital letters) and some small letters? which one do you prefer? Thank you

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If you re-read the Hexadecimal lesson you would find that the colors can be in upper case or lower case or a mixture of both. But obviously, you need to choose one and stick to it for better readability of your code.

This is advisable.

Does it necessarily matter which format I use? I mean, is one more common or preferred in the industry than the other?

I personally prefer the aesthetic of hex values when looking at the code as a whole… will that preference potentially bite me in the butt later? :cold_sweat:

It doesn’t matter which format you use.