FAQ: Creating, Loading, and Selecting Data with Pandas - Review

This community-built FAQ covers the “Review” exercise from the lesson “Creating, Loading, and Selecting Data with Pandas”.

Paths and Courses
This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

Data Science

Data Analysis with Pandas

FAQs on the exercise Review

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A couple of typos/mistakes in the lesson:

#2 asks to inspect the first 5 lines of the data. However, orders.head() is not accepted, only print(orders) is. The dataframe has more than 5 rows of data, so this is obviously not a correct answer. Further, the hints for #2 both assume that we want to look at the first 3 lines of the dataframe, which is also incorrect.

Thanks for your time

This error still occurs… orders.head(5) is not an acceptable answer…

You have to use print():


>id	first_name	last_name	email	shoe_type	shoe_material	shoe_color
0	54791	Rebecca	Lindsay	[email protected]	clogs	faux-leather	black
1	53450	Emily	Joyce	[email protected]	ballet flats	faux-leather	navy
2	91987	Joyce	Waller	[email protected]	sandles	fabric	black
3	14437	Justin	Erickson	[email protected]	clogs	faux-leather	red
4	79357	Andrew	Banks	AB4318@gma