FAQ: Creating, Loading, and Selecting Data with Pandas - Comma Separated Variables (CSV)

This community-built FAQ covers the “Comma Separated Variables (CSV)” exercise from the lesson “Creating, Loading, and Selecting Data with Pandas”.

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Data Science

Data Analysis with Pandas

FAQs on the exercise Comma Separated Variables (CSV)

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In the context of this exercise on Comma Separated Values, the example cell of Carrot cake is written as Carrot Cake.
Yet in the solution, the hint insisted that it’s written as Carrot cake, not Carrot Cake

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Surprisingly for me, but the next input is not accepted. All column names and variables are entered using commas, without spaces. Every row separated by hitting Enter(Return). Have no clue what I’m doing wrong

Devil’s Food,chocolate,chocolate,chocolate shavings
Birthday Cake,vanilla,vanilla,rainbow sprinkles
Carrot Cake,carrot,cream cheese,almonds


Only when I looked to solution, I understood what you meant. Yep, not obvious

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Agreed! Not sure why that is

This lesson is broken because of a capitalization error. “Carrot cake”

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I changed “Carrot Cake” to “Carrot cake” as mentioned but it still gives a wrong result. Here is what I used:

Devil’s Food,chocolate,chocolate,chocolate shavings
Birthday Cake,vanilla,vanilla,rainbow sprinkles
Carrot cake,carrot,cream cheese,almonds

The problem was with the single quote character on “Devil’s Food”. When you copy from the example input, delete it and add a new one. The one being copied is not the same one they use in the result.


This problem is still there as of May 2, 2020 - The required capitalization is different from what is provided in the instructions. This bug is causing problems for everyone who attempts the course.

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need to use ’ and not ´ on Devil’s



thanks, I was stuck in this one @@

The issue is still present as of July 2020

@moderators: this thread is old and no longer relevant since the bug in the exercise has been fixed. I would suggest closing this thread and create a new one to link to the exercise page.