FAQ: Control Flow - Control Flow: An Introduction

This community-built FAQ covers the “Control Flow: An Introduction” exercise from the lesson “Control Flow”.

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FAQs on the exercise Control Flow: An Introduction

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What about switch case statements? Are the also binary statements?

Question - what sort of programs are control flows kept so that I can practice? In other words, any name brand apps I should know about?

Also, is there any physical or logical connection between that program and the workspace/IDE where I am writing python? If I change my workflow can that effect my python code? Thanks so much.

@achz1989 did you get here via the Python course? If so and for others wondering, Python does not have switch or case statement.

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@cosecanter this wikipedia article may be useful for you and others wondering the same thing:

I wonder if your question is more centred around imperative vs. declarative programming. Languages like Python and C are imperative in the sense that you as the programmer need to tell the computer what to do and how to do it step by step

Control flow in itself is just the order in which the statements and functions are executed. You can practise doing that using any imperative programming language.

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I think I was learning JavaScript at that time.