FAQ: Conditional Statements - The if keyword

This community-built FAQ covers the “The if keyword” exercise from the lesson “Conditional Statements”.

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FAQs on the exercise The if keyword

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Do I need a semicolon after an if statement?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Old lesson checkpoints

A post was merged into an existing topic: What condition is necessary to show that sale is true?

7 posts were split to a new topic: What condition is necessary to show that sale is true?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Why can’t I use let to reassign a variable?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Did I find a bug?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Why didn’t this work?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Do I need a semicolon after an if statement?

6 posts were split to a new topic: Why doesn’t my code match?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Why is my code wrong?

Hello there!

When doing the exercise on “If Statements,” I made a mistake at step 2 and typed if (true) initially, rather than if (sale). ‘Time to buy!’ appeared in the console, which didn’t surprise me as let sale = true.

After changing to sale = false, if (false) yields nothing in the console, of course. But if I type, if (true), ‘Time to buy!’ does appear in the console, even though the variable has been changed to false.

Please can someone explain why this is? I would think that if sale = false, if (true) would not yield anything in the console because there isn’t a variable that is true. (Just experimenting to see what happens off the back of my initial mistake!)

EDIT: I asked my friend and they said I created an “infinite loop” by not defining what it is that’s true. So I understand my mistake now on a simple level, but would still appreciate more detailed feedback if anyone wants to give it :slight_smile:

if (true) {


is an absolute condition so there is no way to change its state. Such a loop requires a breaking condition within to code body…

if (true) {
    //  some code creates a state

    if (state === null) {

null in the above is simply a placeholder for example.

It is late today and I am bit wrecked so thats probably why I read “a” as “o” in the code but having two different fonts for code and description is not helping.

I wondered why the code needs to be separately into different lines? Cant that 1 code exists on a single line?
I originally typed the code in 1 line and the result shows what is expected but didnt pass the exercise. Then i looked at the answer and is because we need to separate the code into 3 different lines.

I am probably making some sort of obvious error here but I cannot figure this out.
I am creating the sale variable and setting it to true.
This works.

Then I am setting the sale variable to false.
This also appears to work.
Finally, I am telling the program to print a message if sale is true.
And, the message prints.
If I look to see the value of the variable, it now says that it is true again…
Why? Why is the variable still seen as true, when I had set it to false most recently?
Screenshot included, and my code,

let sale = true;

console.log('first test' + '=' + sale);

sale = false;

console.log('second test' + '=' + sale);

if (sale = true) {
  console.log('Time to buy!');

console.log('third test' + '=' + sale);

The condition given above is an assignment, not a comparison. The assignment does take place so the variable is now true. Because the condition didn’t ‘fire’ it was treated as a statement, followed by an anonymous code block that also executed.

if (sale === true)

Note the comparison.


The condition given above is an assignment, not a comparison.

Ahhhhh, so the fact that I had set it to false, then did

if (sale = true)

had set it again to true!
Thanks so much! You are always so helpful!

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Can you help me. I can`t figure out what is error in my code, but platform get the error message.

let sale = true;
sale = false;
if (sale) {console.log(Time to buy!)};

Thanks in advance.

There doesn’t appear to be a syntax error. What does the error message say?