FAQ: Conditional Statements - If...Else... Statements

This community-built FAQ covers the “If…Else… Statements” exercise from the lesson “Conditional Statements”.

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compiler accepts to write this condition ,

people<= 10 && weather == “nice”

but why its not accepting this , this condition also represents same logic,

people< 11 && weather == “nice”

The code checker is not looking simply at the result but also at the implementation.

Console.WriteLine(“Soup N Sandwich”);

One thing that always happens to me is that I do what the thing says, it says it is right, but still says "Program.cs(12,32): error CS1002: ; expected [/home/ccuser/workspace/csharp-selection-statements-if-else-statements/workspace.csproj]
Program.cs(13,43): error CS1002: ; expected [/home/ccuser/workspace/csharp-selection-statements-if-else-statements/workspace.csproj]

The build failed. Fix the build errors and run again." on the console. I thought it was me being bad at coding but it says I did it all right…

you forgot the identation part of the lesson. You write all your code on one line wich looks great now, but will be harder to read with more complexes codes. I tried to write the code like yours so you can see where you forgot the ; on line 12 and where you misplaced one on line 13.

using System;

namespace IfElseStatement
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      int people = 12;
      string weather = "bad";
      if (people <= 10 && weather == "nice")
      else {Console.WriteLine("Soup N Sandwich");}


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It would have been easier to see where your mistake was if your code was written like this instead

using System;

namespace IfElseStatement
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      int people = 12;
      string weather = "bad";
      if (people <= 10 && weather == "nice") {
      else {
        Console.WriteLine("Soup N Sandwich");

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Why does it not accept

if ((people <= 10) && (weather == "nice"))

If all the extra parenthesis do is improve readability?

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The instructions are confusing.

You’re deciding where to go for lunch. If the line isn’t long at SaladMart (10 people or less) AND the weather is nice, you’ll go there.

Write an if statement where if the condition is true, it prints out SaladMart .

Cool no problem here. However this next section I do have an issue with:

However, if the line is long and the weather is bad, you’ll go to Soup N Sandwich. Next, add an else statement that prints out Soup N Sandwich .

In the previous step we wrote an AND statement, which means both WEATHER and PEOPLE conditions need to be true. If either is false then we should go to the Soup N Sandwich.

I suggest the following corrections should be made

However, if the line is long OR the weather is bad, you’ll go to Soup N Sandwich. Next, add an else statement that prints out Soup N Sandwich .


Came here to point out the same thing !

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I can not get past the first part.

I have the code written correctly, no errors in the console and it gives the right answer in the console if the two conditions are met. If I change the two conditions it does not give any reply in the console as it should not since I have not gotten to the “else” part of the code yet.

Still the course will not let me progress, it only says “write an if statement”. Which I already did do and the if statement even works. What is going on? Why does it not accept my answer if the answer actually works?

using System; namespace IfElseStatement { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int people = 10; string weather = "nice"; if (people <= 10 && weather == "nice") Console.WriteLine("Saladmart"); } } }

Two issues:

  • You wrote: Console.WriteLine("Saladmart"); but Step 1 asks us to print the string "SaladMart"

  • You only have one line after the if condition, so curly braces are optional. But it is better to use curly braces.

if (condition) {


Thanks. I think aside from the one letter not being capital, the curly braces were mandatory from the point of view of the exercise. The code still works without the curly braces but the exercise will not accept it as correct if the curly braces are not there.