FAQ: Code Challenges - Code Challenge

This community-built FAQ covers the “Code Challenge” exercise from the lesson “Code Challenges”.

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cleaner, without util functions

const puddingFlavors = ['chocolate', 'banana', 'butterscotch', 'pistachio'];

app.delete('/puddings/:flavor', (req, res, next) => {
  const index = puddingFlavors.indexOf(req.params.flavor);
  if(index !== -1){
    puddingFlavors.splice(index, 1);
  } else {

Why is this answer wrong:

app.delete('/puddings/:flavor', (req, res, next){
  const flavor = req.params.flavor;
  if (findPuddingIndex(flavor) !== -1){
  } else {

Compared to the solution:

app.delete('/puddings/:flavor', (req, res, next) => {
  const index = findPuddingIndex(req.params.flavor);
  if(index !== -1){
  } else {
1 Like

My solution was also considered wrong. I completed it without the helper functions.

  1. I saved the value of req.params.flavor to a variable called flavor.
  2. I checked to see if that flavor existed inside puddingFlavors array, within the IF statement.
  3. I saved the index of specific flavor to a variable called index.
  4. Lastly I deleted it from the puddingFlavors array.
app.delete('/puddings/:flavor', (req, res, next) => {
  const flavor = req.params.flavor;
  if (puddingFlavors[flavor]) {
    let index = puddingFlavors.indexOf(flavor);
    puddingFlavors.splice(index, 1);
  }  else {

Can anyone explain how I would figure out that I should use ‘req.params.flavor’ instead of ‘req.params.name’ like the previous exercises. Am I missing something obvious?

Very nice :slightly_smiling_face: thank you

The route being supplied is /puddings/:flavor, not /puddings/:name. That is why the req.params reference is req.params.flavor

I can go cleaner with the helper functions:

app.delete('/puddings/:flavor', (req, res, next) => {
  if (findPuddingIndex(req.params.flavor) !== -1){
    return res.status(204).send();
  return res.status(404).send();