FAQ: Code Challenges - Code Challenge 16

This community-built FAQ covers the “Code Challenge 16” exercise from the lesson “Code Challenges”.

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FAQs on the exercise Code Challenge 16

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Hey guys, I am trying to figure out whats the difference between ’ and ".
I have noticed that this code doesn’t work :

db.run(‘INSERT INTO BirdOfParadise (scientific_name, common_name) VALUES (‘Cicinnurus regius’, ‘king bird-of-paradise’);’);

But this code which is the same thing except using ‘’ instead of ’ works :

db.run(“INSERT INTO BirdOfParadise (scientific_name, common_name) VALUES (‘Cicinnurus regius’, ‘king bird-of-paradise’);”);

Why is that ?
Thank you!

I think the reason why the first line of code does not work because single quotes are used inside single quotes.

reference: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/the-real-difference-between-single-quotes-and-double-quotes-in-javascript-3d00bf720bcd

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Using Placeholders with db.run to add a row to a table?
Regarding Code Challenge 16 found at https://www.codecademy.com/paths/web-development/tracks/building-a-persistent-api/modules/learn-node-sqlite-module/lessons/node-sqlite-code-challenges/exercises/code-challenge-16
The answer considered "correct"
db.run(“INSERT INTO BirdOfParadise (scientific_name, common_name) VALUES (‘Cicinnurus regius’, ‘king bird-of-paradise’);”);

My solution considered "incorrect

Why isn’t my solution acceptable. I understand that I’ve overcomplicated the answer. But in real life would my answer also work?

Thanks for any helpful input.

I believe your code would run correctly!
I tried something similar at first, but it is best practice to simplify our code as much as possible.

I do think, however, that it’s preferable to write your placeholders inside the query, like this:

  "INSERT INTO BirdOfParadise (scientific_name, common_name) VALUES ($scientific_name, $common_name)",
    $scientific_name: 'Cicinnurus regius',
    $common_name: 'king bird-of-paradise'

I might be mistaken here, but I think it is better to have the data accessible within the scope of the query. It seems more prone to errors and confusion if we were to add a lot more code to the document.

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