FAQ: Code Challenge: Loops - Over 9000

This community-built FAQ covers the “Over 9000” exercise from the lesson “Code Challenge: Loops”.

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I’ve noticed the code works the best if your sum variable is named power_level


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Can I combine a while and a for loop?

8 posts were split to a new topic: How do I need to think about solving challenges?

18 posts were merged into an existing topic: How can we exit a loop?

def over_nine_thousand(lst):
  s = 0
  for i in lst:
    s += i
    if s > 9000: break  
  return s

A post was split to a new topic: Why does this give me index out of range?

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Can I combine a while and a for loop?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Greater than not equal to 9000

This one is tricky, I’ve got the correct answer by using 1 conditional and relative return statement inside the loop and 1 with another return statement outside. Both if statements are set to the sum being one higher and one lower than 9000. So no need for break statement in this case.

I got to this solution at it was accepted:

def over_nine_thousand(lst):
sum = 0
while sum < 9000:
for number in lst:
sum = sum + number
if sum > 9000:
return sum

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Here’s my solution

def over_nine_thousand(lst):
  vegeta = 0
  for num in lst:
    vegeta = vegeta + num
    if vegeta > 9000:
  return vegeta

Hey @bitplayer30925! Please don’t post the correct answer to the exercise! If you do do it, at least blur it because people are supposed to find the answer to the exercise themselves.

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Thanks for the call out, you’ve got it. :+1:

3 posts were split to a new topic: Can I combine a while and a for loop?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Bug in Python Loop Challenge (reported)

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: How can we exit a loop?

Sticking with the use of loops this time instead of shortcutting:

def over_nine_thousand(lst):
  total = 0
  for i in lst:
    if total <= 9000:
      total += i
  return total

There’s probably a shorter way to accomplish this, though.

7 posts were split to a new topic: What are the differences between if and while?

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: How can we exit a loop?