FAQ: Code Challenge: CSS Design - Inline HTML to CSS

This community-built FAQ covers the “Inline HTML to CSS” exercise from the lesson “Code Challenge: CSS Design”.

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FAQs on the exercise Inline HTML to CSS

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So many questions. Why are we being asked to freelance the move of input elements from inline HTML to CSS when we’ve never tackled input elements? This makes no sense at all. Also, the solution link isn’t loading so I am literally google searching how to work with input elements. This is back to back lessons (importing fonts form Google fonts) where the resources completely failed the student.


Yeah I feel like this section of exercises were modified in some way and parts of the curriculum were left out. On one of the previous pages it asked us to make an image into a circle, which is something that hadn’t been covered.

Weird oversights.


Ya, this exercise seems from way our in left field. I appreciate being stretched though. Thank GOODNESS my solution worked. My big question: why did it force us to use: to link the stylesheet rather than: ? That one worked just fine but it wouldn’t let me move forward without using the other . I don’t really understand either one, to be completely honest. :wink:

Thank you!

Yess I totally just Googled the circle thing to find out how to do it

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Ok, so how am I supposed to figure this out? We weren’t taught input styles and there is no

element. Are we styling the text boxes? This lesson makes no sense with what we were taught so far.