FAQ: Child Components Update Their Parents' state - Automatic Binding

This community-built FAQ covers the “Automatic Binding” exercise from the lesson “Child Components Update Their Parents’ state”.

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Web Development

Learn ReactJS: Part II

FAQs on the exercise Automatic Binding

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So basically, in the end, the changeName(newName) method was just a waste? because it is not being used in the Child component anymore. The Child component has its own Eventhandler now.

And as far as i knew, only the Stateful components are supposed to have a constructor() and super(). But the Child component is not a Stateful component so how come does it have a constructor?

its still used, but its in parent.js now. This design pattern to make sense to have all your state in a single place, instead of each individual component. You currently have only two components, but this could very easy become a dozen or even hundred(s) in a medium/large project. Then you don’t want each component having there own state, you will loose the overview in no time.

where did you read this? The only thing a stateless component can’t have are states.

1 Like

Oh, that clarifies everything. Thanks.