FAQ: Calculating Churn - Multiple Month: Determine Cancellation Status

This community-built FAQ covers the “Multiple Month: Determine Cancellation Status” exercise from the lesson “Calculating Churn”.

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OK, first one here.

This step was pretty straight-forward…much confirming where )'s and ,'s go…

But I am getting this error:

The result should the four columns - id, month, is_active and is_canceled. Double check your conditions for is_canceled.

When my result looks like:

id month is_active is_canceled
1 2017-01-01 0 0
1 2017-02-01 0 0


Something stupid…I will find it.

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Try to use

WHEN subscription_end BETWEEN first_day AND last_day
END as ‘is_canceled’


Make sure you spell canceled with one L to get this one marked correct. Got stuck for a little while until I learned that you can’t use the alternate spelling, cancelled.

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This was a frustrating exercise.
It defied logic and explanations I have been used to.

I had everything correct except there was no select statement with the CASE portion, which was only made clear to me after defaulting to the answer. :no_mouth:

This defied the logic and examples and quick tips Codecademy has provided.
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SELECT column_name,
WHEN condition THEN ‘Result_1’
WHEN condition THEN ‘Result_2’
ELSE ‘Result_3’
FROM table_name;
CASE statements are used to create different outputs (usually in the SELECT statement). It is SQL’s way of
handling if-then logic.

The prior exercises utilized the select portion and I tried to incorporate what I had learned in them.

Codecademy should really be better with its hints or error notifications (I got the same errors notices as chahn1138). I struggled with this exercise for over an hour.
Maybe say which parts we are not adding or should consider adding or which sequences would not be needed.
Now that I know there is the possibility of building blocks (like a SELECT statement) not always needed I’ll try more variety in my coding if I can.

I tried to avoid going to the solution, yet maybe I will have to resort to the solution more often if it helps me wrap my head around exercises and saves some time when I am stumped.

Hope others find this thread useful.


The whole “Calculating Churn” track seems pretty challenging and wordy, I did fine with the exercises before but here it got really challenging really quickly … wish there was a video explanation for it. :slight_smile:


Really helpful! Thanks! I was worried that it had jumped in difficulty - and the hints weren’t helping! Think I clicked on ‘Get Solution’ most of the way through!


You should include only BETWEEN in your CASE statement.
I did this and it worked :slight_smile:

WITH months AS
‘2017-01-01’ as first_day,
‘2017-01-31’ as last_day
‘2017-02-01’ as first_day,
‘2017-02-28’ as last_day
‘2017-03-01’ as first_day,
‘2017-03-31’ as last_day
cross_join AS
FROM subscriptions
CROSS JOIN months),
status AS
(SELECT id, first_day as month,
WHEN (subscription_start < first_day)
subscription_end > first_day
OR subscription_end IS NULL
) THEN 1
END AS ‘is_active’,
WHEN subscription_end BETWEEN first_day AND last_day
END AS ‘is_canceled’
FROM cross_join)
FROM status
LIMIT 100;

Is there any difference between if i write
WHEN subscription_end BETWEEN ‘2017-01-01’ AND ‘2017-03-31’
in place of
WHEN subscription_end BETWEEN first_day AND last_day

There sure is; in the first scenario you’re comparing static data for first_day and last_day, which is not what we want. Those are variables just like subscription_end, and should be dynamic as we parse rows of a table. Your second scenario accomplishes this.

My solution (I didn’t remember BETWEEN was a thing)

    WHEN strftime("%Y-%m", subscription_end) = strftime("%Y-%m", last_day) THEN 1
    ELSE 0
  END AS is_canceled

Why does in the answer, they have given as “subscription_end > first_day” ?
shouldn’t it be “subscription_end >= first_day” ?

please can anyone explain as to why codecademy omitted "= " sign?

if subscription_start = ‘2016-12-01’ and if there is one month commitment what should be the subscription end_date ? should it be ‘2017-01-01’. or ‘2016-12-31’ ?

Thank you so much for this, as soon as I saw the between I realized my mistake. Overthinking got a hold of me :stuck_out_tongue:

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What is the difference between this:

Solution provided(condensed to the is_canceled portion

WHEN subscription_end BETWEEN first_day AND last_day THEN 1

  • ELSE 0*

END as is_canceled

FROM cross_join)


FROM status

LIMIT 100;

and this:


  • WHEN (subscription_end BETWEEN first_day AND last_day OR*

  •  subscription_end IS NOT NULL) *
  • THEN 1*

  • ELSE 0*

END as is_canceled

FROM cross_join)

The second query is what I came up with and it appears to return the same results. I realize after seeing the solution that the second argument for IS NOT NULL would be irrelevant as either a subscription ended between the first day and last day or it didn’t, but it does not at least in my mind make my query wrong just bloated as it were.

Hello all,

I am having issues with getting my query to run anything. I’ve watched the walk-through video to gain insight on my coding errors and compared for accuracy. However, no matter what, my query does not return any results and doesn’t provide any errors.

I believe I simply need a second pair of eyes. Is there anywhere I can get one-on-one assistance to take a look without posting my whole code on here?

Any help would be greatly appreciate.

Wow. Thank you Sprell! I was banging my head against a wall for awhile here. I knew I had the formula correct… It’s the little things…

Submit to the FORUM for group think and clarification. It’s good for the group to look through someone else’s code too as errors in your “own code” don’t always pop out.

We’re all still learning :man_shrugging:

Hey I thought it should be >= too but have not found anything which shows it should be just >
Most likely a fault? Did you find out why this was the case at all?


Why does the first When here require parentheses but the second doesn’t?


not working for me

It says

The result should the four columns - id, month, is_active and is_canceled. Double check your conditions for is_canceled.