FAQ: Build Your First Alexa Skill - Service Simulator II

Hey @nuje98, this is likely an issue with the Alexa Developer Console (I’ve had the issue in the past as well). But just to make sure, could you send me your JSON and ARN?

You can use the format the bytecoder84128 used here.

I’m having trouble getting it to work, typing launch firstname initial’s code academy returns welcome to codecademy, but tell firstname initial’s code academy hello doesn’t work. I know this isn’t much information but I don’t know what other information I can give.

Hi @nduckwiler, I used to get it to work just fine with “open code academy”, “tell code academy to say hello”, “ask code academy what is my favorite language”, ect. Later on, I had issues with the simplest skill and testing.

Now with the newly-built codecademy skill, it says “Sorry, I’m having trouble accessing your Codecademy skill right now” when I enter “open code academy”. And I tried different invocations, like “first name + last name (initial)'s code academy”, etc.

Here are my info:

ARN being used: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:151096212661:function:codecademyLearnAlexaIntro-ii
JSON being used: {
“interactionModel”: {
“languageModel”: {
“invocationName”: “leo l’s code academy”,
“intents”: [
“name”: “AMAZON.CancelIntent”,
“name”: “AMAZON.HelpIntent”,
“name”: “AMAZON.StopIntent”,
“name”: “HelloIntent”,
“slots”: ,
“samples”: [
“how are you”,
“name”: “AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent”,
“name”: “AMAZON.FallbackIntent”,
Utterance that returns odd response: “open code academy”, “tell code academy hello”

P.S. It didn’t allow me to upload file of the JSON code.



I am currently following the course “BUILD YOUR FIRST ALEXA SKILL” and in step 11 under “Service Simulator II” I am not able to get an answer. After entering " *tell irene hernandez’s code academy hello" the console stays like this:

I tried to verify if i’m in the correct region, as the instructions recommend, but i am not able to find where can i check. Could someone help?

Thank you in advance,

I am getting this message instead, “You just triggered HelloIntent”

Wow, no reply… I am getting this too. did you mange to solve this?