FAQ: Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas - You Know This!

This community-built FAQ covers the “You Know This!” exercise from the lesson “Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas”.

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In the I’m a block! excersize, the " ’ " character is a smart quote in the description. This is deceptive, and makes it look like the test is failing when it’s right.

The test should pass with

5.times{ puts "I'm a block!" }
5.times{ puts "I’m a block!" }

or indicate the discrepancy between the apostrophe characters in the output. Since I am not a beginner, I know this error very well (and I hate smart quotes). Someone else more beginner might give up thinking it’s completely broken.


I just did the same thing.

5.times { puts ““Codecademy”” }

and the test doesn´t pass the command. It is unfair, because I´d lost my time on that exercise.

I feel your pain, so-called ‘smart’ quotes are the absolute worst. If you are, in-fact, new to coding then consider it a lesson in and of itself. I wouldn’t be surprised if these stupid quotes cost corporate America millions a year in developer time.

It would be sweet if the code academy course actually pointed out the discrepancy for you.

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 22.25.54

what am i doing wrong?

It’s funny ha…just don’t do the copy paste…write by yourself

5.times { puts "I'm a block!" } # the correct answer

Since ruby is case sensetive there is difference between ’ and ’

Is this course still actually intended for use? 80% of the exercises don’t run in the terminal even when the solution has been copied and pasted. A little bit shocked that the school I enrolled in has pointed me to this course.

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Yh just had this and copied the phrase word for word including quotations and the solution looks identical to my code still didn’t like it.