FAQ: Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas - Proc Syntax

This community-built FAQ covers the “Proc Syntax” exercise from the lesson “Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas”.

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When and why using proc is preferable than using method?
I’m sorry it’s still unclear to me.

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it is for not to write the same block over and over, you can “save it” as a proc, so you dont have to write the same block every time you need it.

this is just for the Blocks, not for an entire method, you can have entire methods that do things and inside that methods you can have procs to simplify you life :slight_smile:

Can .each method accept a block?
Why the following code works, but if we substitute .collect with .each, it doesn’t?

floats = [1.2, 3.45, 0.91, 7.727, 11.42, 482.911]
round_down = Proc.new { |x| x.floor }
puts floats.collect(&round_down)
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I believe that collect alters what it was called on while each doesn’t. It might be more complicated than that, though.

The other question I have is - what is the point of having both collect and map if they’re truly identical?


What is the difference between .collect and .select methods?

I’m curious why I would want to define a Proc rather than just defining a helper function and calling that function where needed?

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Does anyone else have the wrong code in the exercise?

multiples_of_3 = Proc.new do |n|
n % 3 == 0

print (1…100).to_a.select(&multiples_of_3)

Is what I have in the window–nothing relating to floor at all.

I spent 15 minutes feeling dumb trying to write a mathematical function in the proc that would do what .floor does. Was it just me that misunderstood the question? I’ve seen this “code the method” type exercise a lot.