FAQ: Binary Search Trees: Python - Traversing A Binary Search Tree

This community-built FAQ covers the “Traversing A Binary Search Tree” exercise from the lesson “Binary Search Trees: Python”.

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FAQs on the exercise Traversing A Binary Search Tree

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Could you please explain why in binary tree traversal the print function is only done for the left child, but at the output we receive all tree?

1 Like

There might be a bug at step 4. This is the method I wrote:

  def depth_first_traversal(self):
    if self.left:
    print(f'Depth={self.depth}, Value={self.value}')
    if self.right:

my solution for the code was not accepted. Also when I manually replaced my code with the offered solution it wouldn’t accept the input. Only by selecting the option to replace my code with the solution the input was accepted and I could continue the lesson.


Same problem over here, wrote exactly the same code, but it is not accepted.


Same Issue here as well. Wrote the same code and both the Get Unstuck version of the code and the above verion of the code produces the same results. If it is not a bug and there is a reason to use:

  def depth_first_traversal(self):
    if (self.left is not None):
    print(f'Depth={self.depth}, Value={self.value}')
    if (self.right is not None):


  def depth_first_traversal(self):
    if self.left:
    print(f'Depth={self.depth}, Value={self.value}')
    if self.right:

The reason would definitely be a good addition to the lesson.

I have to assume readability but I also assume the readability of a truthy/falsey statement, would not be an issue for any advanced Python users.

Kind Regards to all! :slight_smile:


I was having the same issue and came to the Forums to see if others were having the same problem. I also would like to know if there is a practical reason for it or if it is just a bug

If the issue is exactly as described by @code5492237692, then it is definitely a bug.
@catower, could you look into this, please?

  def depth_first_traversal(self):
    if self.left is not None:
      print(f'Depth={self.depth}, Value={self.value}')
    if self.right is not None:
      print(f'Depth={self.depth}, Value={self.value}')

I got an error even in this situation

It doesn’t accepts if we’re using

  • if self.left / if self.right

  • print in both if statements

It’d only accept if print was after the if self.left condition

It’s been a year and they are yet to fix it!

Same here.
It also only accepts single quotation marks when it comes to the f-string