FAQ: Arrays - Building Arrays

This community-built FAQ covers the “Building Arrays” exercise from the lesson “Arrays”.

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FAQs on the exercise Building Arrays

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I just took too long to figure out something that the instructions didn’t make clear, so I wanted to share it with any who might share my confusion. In Learn C# > Arrays > 2. Building Arrays, it doesn’t tell you that each string in your array needs to have quotes (") around it in order to work. All of the examples are Int, which don’t require that.


Well, at almost 50% course done, it implies that we should know whenever you are using a string it needs to be inside quotation marks.

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Wow. I share something to help fellow students, and you deliberately hurt my feelings.

I’m sry, that was not my intention… I just don’t think it’s something that exercise should emphasize since you’ve stated “figure out something that the instructions didn’t make clear:confused:

Ah. Good point; they’d certainly covered it before. But they give reminders about things like that in their hints and examples sometimes, and I could have used such a reminder. It’s a lot for me to remember. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah they do… but after a time they stop doing it since we move a lot forward so there are new type of hints to cover. Otherwise the hint section would be full to the bottom :smiley:
Anyway, sry for the attitude once more, rly didn’t mean to come off as harsh :sweat_smile:
Good luck and happy coding!
P.S write it down! I have 2 notebooks full of hints and examples, you shouldn’t expect yourself to memorize everything, you’ll just burn out :slight_smile:

using System;

namespace BuildingArrays
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
       string[] summerStrut;
      summerStrut = new string[] {"Juice", "Missing U", "Raspberry Beret", "New York Groove", "Make Me Feel", "Rebel Rebel", "Despacito", "Los Angeles"};
      int[] ratings = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,};

I really loved this explanation of how to build Arrays! It is so clear and simple. Plz more parts of the course like this!