FAQ: Arrays - Arrays

This community-built FAQ covers the “Arrays” exercise from the lesson “Arrays”.

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FAQs on the exercise Arrays

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When printing an array to the console, I don’t want the square brackets being printed also. How do I do this?

The answer for this can be found here: https://www.codecademy.com/forum_questions/54809c8780ff335fdf007d8c

This was the answer:

When you print an array by just calling its name it is a raw printout and it is correct.
You are actually printing out the script that looks like an array.

In order to correctly printing out the array items you will have to create a loop.

for(var i = 0; i < junk.length; i++){

It prints out:
naomi, kai, 9, 0

1 Like


I was just wondering why do we use square brackets now instead of {} parenthesis or curly brackets as everyone has different names for these thanks Ian.

curly backets ({}) are used for blocks of code, like if, for and function

square brackets are used for arrays (and associative arrays)


thanks for the explanatation ,appreciated.