FAQ: Aggregates in R - Calculating Column Statistics

This community-built FAQ covers the “Calculating Column Statistics” exercise from the lesson “Aggregates in R”.

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FAQs on the exercise Calculating Column Statistics

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What is the point of the intermediary variable used within the summarize function, such as:


We have to use another variable name at the beginning:

max_val ← df %>%
summarize(max_col = max(col))

I don’t see why we need both, or how they differ.


I don’t understand why all of the examples in the prompt begin with the select() function, as that indicates you need to specify which column you are operating on. I guess you don’t have to do that, as the actual example in the instructions doesn’t require that step. So I guess it’s unnecessary?

I don’t see why we need the summarize function at all here. I am getting valid output with:
most_expensive <- max(orders$price, na.rm = TRUE)

However I’m getting a failure from codecademy’s grading system.

I have the same question as jniager3. Does anyone have an update on this?

Why does the variable need to be defined in the max function when the variable must be defined in the beginning?

What is the purpose of the summarize function if it could be ignored using melecityjones method?

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You may be getting a failure from the grading system since it’s scoring based on your input and not your output. While you use a different syntax, you are still “piping” orders. What is the column name you get when you don’t use the recommended syntax?

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I was confused by this assignment too. But after completing the assignment that comes after this one, it all makes sense to me now.

They simply want to demonstrate the syntax for aggregating in R.
We’re basically creating a new DF under a new variable name with new columns that is the aggregated data, while dropping the original columns. It is kind of similar to transmute().

# assigning new DF name:
most_expensive <- orders %>%

# The following line is unnecessary, but it follows the same syntax when we start using groupby() in the next assignment. Same logic as a default parameter :
  select(price) %>%

# summarize aggregates the data into one row, it doesn't make sense now but it will when you apply groupby() on the next assignment.
  summarize(new_column_name = max(price, na.rm=TRUE))


Can anyone explain what this comment mean? what is “parsing” and which value in the df is missing?

image what does it mean?

Why is the function ‘summarize()’ needed in this exercise? Isn’t both the functions ‘max()’ and ‘n_distinct’ both return a single value?

most_expensive ← max(orders$price, na.rm = TRUE)


Why this isn’t good (Codecademy acceptable) solution for exercise 3?
Returns 493 into variable