FAQ: Advanced JSX - Variables in JSX

This community-built FAQ covers the “Variables in JSX” exercise from the lesson “Advanced JSX”.

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This exercise can be found in the following Codecademy content:

Web Development

Learn ReactJS: Part I

FAQs on the exercise Variables in JSX

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just for the test. added new div in the index.html
<div id="digit"></div>

const digit = 100;

was trying to render this snippet, no output so far :man_shrugging:

But did you have an element in your HTML with and id of “digit”?


const greeting = <p>Hello, {name}!</p>;

What are the “!” for in that line of code?

Kiss kiss

By this time you have probably figured this out yourself, but those who stumble upon similar problem:

did you import the React and ReactDOM libraries too?

import React from ‘react’;
import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;

Hello, @josephgabriel7806611 !

In this particular code “!” is just a part of the text string, a regular “!”.


Hello, Ben!
Hello, Janet!

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