FAQ: Advanced CSS Grid - Justify Content

This community-built FAQ covers the “Justify Content” exercise from the lesson “Advanced CSS Grid”.

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What is the difference between using ‘space-between’ in justify-content, and just setting up grid-gaps when setting the grid template?

As far as I can understand, the “space-between” value will distribute the space between the gaps evenly to fit 100% of the grid container. Assigning “grid-gap” properties could result in an overflow (depending on how large the values are) so content might go out from the container area.
Hope that helps.

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Does using “stretch” give the same result as “start” always or that is only obtainable in this exercise. Thanks.

What is the difference between justify-items and justify-contents?

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First of all, it’s actually justify-content not justify-contents. Second, justify-items controls the horizontal position of the grid items themselves while justify-content controls the horizontal position of the grid itself


Am I correct when I state that “justify-item” has no effect/is useless, if I use “justify-content” on top of it?

If I used grid-gap, do I have to use, space-between to create space between elements?


From what I understand when I tried it using the gap and space-between, when you use the gap, the grid is not going to be reponsive, its going to cause an overflow. But when you use space-between (and other values for the Justify-content), the grid is going to be responsive and there’s no going to be an overflow

justify-content as described in the first paragraph:

In the previous exercise, we learned how to position elements within their columns. In this exercise, we will learn how to position a grid within its parent element.

We can use justify-content to position the entire grid along the row axis

I found it a bit confusing in regards to what are we positioning with justify-content. Is it the Grid itself (‘Main’) inside the parent (.container), or is it the columns inside the grid?

I guess “justify-items” placed items(our recipes) to the center within the grid but "justify-content’ placed grid to the center of its parent, in our case, container,body etc.

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