I am having various problems with course as when I put the code in they say that the keyword can’t be followed and I cannot convert void into int.
This is where the code’s error occurs:
static void TranslateToNumber(string creature)
switch (creature)
case “ghost”:
return 1;
case "bug":
return 2;
case "monster":
return 3;
return 1;
int headNum = "body";
int bodyNum = "feet";
int feetNum = "head";
And this is the entire code:
using System;
namespace ExquisiteCorpse
class Program
static void Main(string args)
static void BuildACreature(string head, string body, string feet)
static void RandomMode()
Random randomNumber = new Random();
int head = randomNumber.Next(1, 4);
int body = randomNumber.Next(1, 4);
int feet = randomNumber.Next(1, 4);
SwitchCase(head, body, feet);
static void SwitchCase(int head, int body, int feet)
static void TranslateToNumber(string creature)
switch (creature)
case "ghost":
return 1;
case "bug":
return 2;
case "monster":
return 3;
return 1;
int headNum = "body";
int bodyNum = "feet";
int feetNum = "head";
public static void GhostHead()
Console.WriteLine(" ..-..");
Console.WriteLine(" ( o o )");
Console.WriteLine(" | O |");
public static void GhostBody()
Console.WriteLine(" | |");
Console.WriteLine(" | |");
Console.WriteLine(" | |");
public static void GhostFeet()
Console.WriteLine(" | |");
Console.WriteLine(" | |");
Console.WriteLine(" '~~~~~'");
public static void BugHead()
Console.WriteLine(" / \\");
Console.WriteLine(" \\. ./");
Console.WriteLine(" (o + o)");
public static void BugBody()
Console.WriteLine(" --| | |--");
Console.WriteLine(" --| | |--");
Console.WriteLine(" --| | |--");
public static void BugFeet()
Console.WriteLine(" v v");
Console.WriteLine(" *****");
public static void MonsterHead()
Console.WriteLine(" _____");
Console.WriteLine(" .-,;='';_),-.");
Console.WriteLine(" \\_\\(),()/_/");
Console.WriteLine(" (,___,)");
public static void MonsterBody()
Console.WriteLine(" ,-/`~`\\-,___");
Console.WriteLine(" / /).:.('--._)");
Console.WriteLine(" {_[ (_,_)");
public static void MonsterFeet()
Console.WriteLine(" | Y |");
Console.WriteLine(" / | \\");
Console.WriteLine(" \"\"\"\" \"\"\"\"");