Is there anything I can do about exams failing to load? I was running into issues on a question so I hit the “restart/start from scratch” button and now it’s just stuck loading so I can either get it wrong by moving forward or just wait for nothing to happen…this doesn’t seem fair since I’ll have to wait 24 hours just to try again for something that isn’t my fault.
What web browser are you using? Maybe clear the cache or use Chrome(?)
Other than that, you cannot get around waiting 24 hours to try again.
If it doesn’t get resolved on its own, maybe submit a support request. The form is available via the main page here : CC Help> Fix a problem> contact CS.
I am using chrome, but it appears I found a loophole that worked. I got frustrated and just refreshed the entire browser window…
While I Had to start all over again (this was on question 9 of 11) I still had notes from working the previous answers so I was able to finally complete the exam.