I realize there are many topics on this from years past, I wanted to create a new topic in regards to the year 2020 - 2021. I’ve been using Codecademy for almost a month now for C++ and I’m doing the text-adventure part of the syllabus. I work on this from home and have had zero issues until this morning when I try to save the code I just typed up - Every time I hit save, it immediately disconnects from codecademy, reconnects shortly after, then repeats. It’s no longer saving my code and continues to disconnect on me. How would I resolve this issue?
Hey @8bitfae, welcome to the community. I’m sorry your first post needs to be about something like this! This sounds like a complete blocker. @mattliv have we had any other reports of this issue?
I was just messing with the project a bit to check out the complaint. It seems when you create a loop (especially a while loop) that the code won’t save, and frequently the connection is lost in the process. Possibly some sort of feature intended to prevent infinite loops from being saved? I bypassed the save
button by editing the code using nano in the console, saved it, compiled and executed without issue, so there seems to be a problem with whatever code is executed by clicking Save
It was just std::cin >> choice2;
The disconnect occurred even when I would hit enter to start a new line.
Thanks for the welcome! ^_^; Yeah, not exactly what I wanted my first post to be but, it is what it is. I wasn’t too sure if it was a connection issue on my end or if it had to do with the site?
@alyssavigil I haven’t seen this personally but it seems from these posts there might be an issue. I’ll surface to curriculum
@mattliv, I’d say roughly an hour or so after my previous post, that everything was working fine. If CC didn’t change anything, then I don’t know what the problem was.
@8bitfae @alyssavigil @midlindner So I brought this to the curriculum team and it appears the issue is occuring because of a loop that our team is going to try to resolve. For now, it might work if you try the solution without the “While” loop. If you run the full code on your own system it should work as well.
(sorry if any of this was confusing)
i am also having this problem. It is now March 13, 2021 and the issue has been going on for almost a week. I don’t believe it’s on my end but it is disconnecting like 8bitfae almost every few minutes… it is extremely annoying! It is happening across multiple devices, hard wired or wifi… so i really feel it is not on my end. But please fix this!! I want a refund if this does not get fixed, i cannot work like this.
hello, i am having the SAME issue. Constant disconnecting (in the middle of every lesson/project) almost every few minutes! It is highly frustrating,as the page has to refresh and then has me scrolling back down to finish where i left off. I paid for the year and am getting highly disappointed and have stopped using the program for a couple days even because it’s just too frustrating. I wouldn’t even be able to get through this entire paragraph if I were using it right now, that’s how bad it is. I am having it across multiple devices, hard wired or wifi… i do NOT think this is a user end issue. It must be a codecademy server problem. It needs to be resolved or I am going to want a refund… which somehow you guys will weasel out of I presume… but still i PAID a FULL YEAR and cannot even use it now. No one can learn in an environment that is disconnecting every few minutes… this needs to be fixed. Please update! It is now MARCH 2021 and having the same issues discussed here in this Jan thread… also in a Nov 18 thread… so it seems it’s not the first time. Please update and Please FIX IT!!
Hi @beta5442002082! Do you mind submitting a ticket to the support team by visiting the help center and pressing “contact us”: https://help.codecademy.com/hc/en-us. When you submit your ticket please be sure to mention what is happening and include links for the exercises/lessons where you’re experiencing the issue. This should help us start to diagnose the problem and escalate properly.
I have the same issue for a few days now, on Python 3. It just simply doesn’t want to run my code, disconnect, reconnect and loading.
Yes, I’ve been having this exact problem. C++ with the Text Adventure part. It’s random, some times it lets me save once, but as soon as it decides not to let me save it will not start again for that session. I’m really debating just skipping this one. I’ve been stuck here for like a week now.
See if some of the suggestions in this article are of help.
It is now February 2022, and this problem has STILL not been fixed.
I am trying to do the text-adventure.cpp project, and am having this problem on that project. Sure, I could use a different type of loop, but I want to experiment with while loops. Guess I will just skip the project.
If you use a while loop in any of the projects, the code will not save and the website will constantly disconnect and reconnect from the server.
Quite often constant disconnecting (especially when while loops are involved) is an indicator that an infinite loop may potentially have been created in the code, would you mind sharing the code you were trying to run, formatted according to this and a link to the exercise?
Edit: Actually after having a scroll up through the past posts in this thread in a little more detail, particularly the quote below, it sounds like it may be an issue with the platform itself, my bad! Regardless if you wouldn’t mind sharing the code/link it wouldn’t hurt to eliminate that as a potential cause first!
Should have included it earlier… Here it is:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// global variable declarations
std::string pill;
int main () {
// Introduction text went here ... deleted for forum
while (pill != "Blue" || pill != "blue" || pill != "Red" || pill != "red" ) {
std::cout << "Type in \"Blue\" for the Blue pill or \"Red\" for the Red pill.\n";
std::cin >> pill;
std::cout << "You have chosen the " << pill << " pill.\n";
On a related note, the logical operator ||
isn’t working either.
The following code doesn’t work:
int x;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
if (x != 1 || x != 2) {
cout << "3 chances to guess my numbers";
cin >> x;
How so? What is happening versus what you expect to happen?
Also, I am running your while
loop code without issue now except that you have written a condition that cannot ever be met, so you have an infinite loop.
Link to project for reference: https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-c-plus-plus/projects/build-a-text-adventure
Are you sure that ||
is the logical operator that you want? Remember that the expression will evaluate to truthy
if any of the conditions are true.
Lol. I’m an idiot.
Thinking it through, I probably need to use the &&
logical operator.
Thanks for your help.
You’re not an idiot. I’ve made the same mistake. Logic can be confusing.
For example, I should have worded my previous reply differently:
The problem was that the condition will always be met, so the loop will always repeat.