Hello everyone! This was my first portfolio project and the first project I’ve pushed to GitHub.
I started learning to code last year, and have been exploring Data Science. In university, I studied Psychology, and I’m interested in pursuing post-graduate studies and research. I currently work in Sales for a small education business.
At first, I found it difficult to narrow down the ideas I wanted to work through in this project. I also came up with some overly ambitious questions at the start, but decided to focus on analysis that was more achievable at this point in my learning journey. I spent approximately 3-4 hours on this project over the course of a few days.
Here is the link to my repo: Data-Analysis-Project-US-Medical-Insurance/Miranda-Houchens-US-Medical-Insurance.ipynb at main · mirandahouchens/Data-Analysis-Project-US-Medical-Insurance · GitHub
Thank you in advance for any feedback and advice!