I can’t connect to Code Academy, and am unable to continue in my course, are the servers down?
I don’t know, there was a problem in november: Error: Lost connection to Codecademy
Is the internet good near you? Well if yes then maybe change browsers because the preferred browser is chrome but it’s okay to use mozilla but internet explorers and operas aren’t working as I know. You should go and report that problem at codecademy help center
Try reloading, if it doesn’t work then report it to codecademy.
Also quick question, does the screen just show “Can’t connect to codecademy” or is it where you can’t use it at all?
Error: Lost connection to Codecademy
Check this main post.
If not, try refreshing the page if you haven’t. Try different browsers. If you have another device, try that. If none works, please tell me and I’ll get higher attention.
Also do that. Let them know at help center.
Internet is always the question. My internet isn’t always good because I live near an airport where signal can be lousy
I hope this helps =)
I’m experiencing a similar problem. I’m getting the “Connecting to Codecademy” message in the top right corner of my course, but it never connects. Both the code editor and web browser panes are greyed out.
I’ve tried different browsers and different internet connections. Any ideas?
I am having the same issue so it must be a server-side problem.
I started having the same issue today. None of the support topics helped.
Me too. I restart my computer twice and try to delete my cache but it still doesn’t work!
If this many people have an issue, obviously something is wrong at the server side. Let me pull some strings and don’t spam the topic full with: i have the same issue. thank you
Try repeatedly reloading the page, and if that doesn’t work, reboot the browser; and if that doesn’t work, reboot your router. Hope this helps.
I’ve got same problem, I tried many things: changed browser, reboot router, changed router, used the mobile internet instead of wi-fi, changed computer but am still there, sent the message to help center- nothing has helped me out. -(
pretty sure there’s problem with CC service. No any reaction from their side. -( Disappointed-(
Can I ask which WiFi company you use?
Because I might be able to help you out. If you are in the UK, best to use are BT, EE and Virgin.
Hi everyone,
I want to close the loop on this, as it affected a number of learners.
On December 30th, @stetim94 wrote me and a few other team members, just as they promised they would:
From that communication, I was able to notify both our Support team manager and an engineer on call about the issue. They both handled the issue as quickly as they could, and it appears the issue was resolved in the same day.
I speak for the team when I saw that we’re deeply sorry for these issues and the interruption they cause. I can also say that we’re extremely grateful for both your patience, as well as the community’s willingness to communicate with us here in the Forums about these issues so that we can appropriately prioritize a fix. Without your help, we might not know how widespread an issue is as quickly as we need to. Thank you for helping Codecademy get better, and for being a member of this community.
I am still experiencing this same issue and submitted a ticket yesterday morning but still haven’t heard back. I am able to connect with my “non-pro” account, however the account that I’ve paid to have access with is the one that can’t connect. It seems to be an account issue as different browsers, internet connections and devices all have the same issue.
My codecademy is not connecting as well today, I have refreshed and done all I can its still not working
i have the same issue, probably a server issue.
This problem has existed for nearly A YEAR!
Unusable site.
Who says the underlying problem is constantly the same problem? Projects the size of codecademy are very difficult, i am doing a much smaller project, the thousand and one issues you run into, its so much, its beyond believe. Let alone that codecademy needs to isolate and quarantine everyone’s learning environment to allow safe execution of code on there servers.
I agree in part with you, there seem to be some issues that keep coming back, decisions made early in the startup phase might come back to haunt you later, and might take massive effort to fundamentally fix.
That issue is back. Been trying to connect for quite some time and its still not working.