i know this is an exam and i cant get help but please ive been stuck for days at %67 here is the question
Complete the iterative bfs() (breadth-first search) function. This function takes in a graph, start_vert, and a target_val that it’s searching for, and should return the path if there is one. The graph is modeled using a Python dictionary. Within the dictionary, each key-value pair maps a vertex value to a set of that vertex’s connected vertex values as follows:
some_vertex_value: set([connected_value_1, connected_value_2, connected_value_3])
Most of the bfs() function has already been written, but you need to add in the iterative steps that occur if the current vertex’s neighbor hasn’t been visited.
and here is my code
def bfs(graph, start_vert, target_val):
# Initialize the path with the starting vertex
path = [start_vert]
# Initialize the queue with the starting vertex and its path
bfs_queue = deque([[start_vert, path]])
visited = set() # Set to keep track of visited vertices
while bfs_queue:
# Dequeue the next vertex and path
current_vertex, path = bfs_queue.popleft()
# Skip if this vertex has already been visited
if current_vertex in visited:
# Mark the vertex as visited
# Iterate over neighbors of the current vertex
for neighbor in graph[current_vertex]:
if neighbor not in visited:
# Create a new path by appending the neighbor to the existing path
new_path = path + [neighbor]
# Enqueue the neighbor and new path
bfs_queue.append([neighbor, new_path])
# Check if the neighbor is the target value
if neighbor == target_val:
return new_path
# Return None if the target value was not found
return None
Testing the function with a sample graph
the_most_dangerous_graph = {
‘lava’: {‘sharks’, ‘piranhas’},
‘sharks’: {‘lava’, ‘bees’, ‘lasers’},
‘piranhas’: {‘lava’, ‘crocodiles’},
‘bees’: {‘sharks’},
‘lasers’: {‘sharks’, ‘crocodiles’},
‘crocodiles’: {‘piranhas’, ‘lasers’}
Test the function
result = bfs(the_most_dangerous_graph, ‘piranhas’, ‘bees’)
if result:
print(“Path found:”, result)
print(“Path not found”)
and i keep getting this error,
Did you add the neighbor
to the path
and return it if it’s equal to target_val
ive contacted support, submitted it as a bug, am i beign an idiot or something. i know i cant get direct answer but PLEASE can someone push me in the right direction