Company Home Page Challenge Project (Css,Flexbox)

Thank you so much!
Figma is a great resource for design as well as traversymedia youtube channel. The menu is almost all css which makes such a clean design.

Great design!
Parallax websites look very modern.
The search is a great feature!

This looks great!

I like the color choices, it is very minimalistic and the color of the hover nav buttons is a great splash of color on the grey!


This is my work on this project.

The code: GitHub - qoowka/Blog-Pchelnikova

Please let me know what you think.

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Thanks. I appreciate the comments. I didn’t realize that style had a name. I had to Google it. :smiley: I learn something new every day.

Hi everybody!

Header design. Discover more!

Here is my live site:


  • First version
  • The page is not web responsive yet (work to do)

Feel free to any comment!


Hey everybody!

Here is my Fictional Home Page with flexbox and a little JavaScript for the menu and meet the employees.

Here is my site on GitHub Pages:

Here is the code on GitHub…

Any feedback is appreciated! Thank You!
Chris DeCleene

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Great work! The site worked great on my tablet and the mobile inspection in Chrome Devtools. Very smooth and responsive!

Nice work! The site is very smooth. I love the use of the parallax effect, it really brings the site to life.


This is my webpage


Live page

I have some problems with the images, github does not allow me to display them.

Please check and give me a feedback :slight_smile:

The design is so minimalist, the intention was to have some elegancy.



I finally managed to finish . I welcome any feedback :slight_smile:

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This is my work on a project - Company Home Page. I made the home page of a fictional construction company.
The code is here: GitHub - AleksandarV91/Flexbox-business-site
The live site is here: Construct Team
Any advice or code review is welcome :grinning:

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Hi there
this is me at 20% of Front-End Engineer Path
I’m not a good designer yet!
so its kinda typical at the moment. haha

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Looks good!

Also, wanted to chime in to lend you a hand with your issue.

Relative paths can be a pain (most of the time they are, at least to me! :slight_smile: ) and they’re your the source of your issue here.

Try adding adding a period or removing the slash at the beginning in your images’ src attributes in the members section. So that instead of:

src="/images ...

they will look either like this:

src="./images ...

… or like this:

src="images ...

You choose!

And then, also, remove the last slash at the very end of the path in your css file’s background-image property.

Feel free to let me know if something didn’t work with these.

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It worked!
Thank you a lot! I just had some problems with it but I’ve got it.
Is it look nice?
I am not so creative but I tried to give the “jazz feel”

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Thanks, I appreciate it. I checked out your project as well. Nice design and your code is super clean. I was really impressed you managed to make it fully responsive with just 1 media query.

Of course it does!

Keep :muscle: :muscle: at it.

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Great work! Nice use of flexbox for responsiveness. I really liked the transform effect you used. I did something similar on another project, but I used min and max width’s. So much simpler the way you did it.

My only suggestion would be viewing your project with the Dev Tools at a 360px resolution, because everything looks great from 480 and above. Under 480 your NAV looses it’s styling and your maps overflow a bit.

I mention it because I had the same issue when just resizing the browser to the smallest size to check my styling. When I started using the Dev Tools with the mobile view I realized a lot of my styling was breaking.

Overall though, great job!


This is my work on this project for the Bread Recipe maker company: BreadForce!

It took me a few days to complete but I had so much fun and I tried adding so many cool features and definitely learned a lot.
So here is the website: BreadForce
And the source code: GitHub - piopi/BreadForce: Fictional Bread recipes website

Please let me know what you think :slight_smile:


here is my site - a silly candle shop sort of thing
hope it works!