I have clicked save MULTIPLE times each time I complete a task on a particularlylong project, and every time the connection is lost all of my progress gets wiped out. I have submitted a ticket, PLEASE FIX IT!
hey @design6614783675 ! Sorry for the slow response. Do you mind sharing in which project or lesson this was happening? The team will take a look
I’m having the same issue on the learn python for data science course. If i’m not active on a page for a couple minutes (even if I don’t go to a different tab or anything) Jupyter notebook loses connection and reloads and I lose all my checkpoints as well. Has a fix been found for this?
Reporting bugs here will get you nowhere b/c the site isn’t monitored by CC any longer (unfortunately).
Please use this form, found via this site’s Help page>Fix a problem>contact CS:
Also, tell them what web browser you’re using, etc.
As for the lesson in question, it might be a good idea to write your code in a Jupyter Notebook on your computer, that way, you won’t lose your work in the interim.