Code Jeopardy

It’s a language on train tracks. I’m not going to be critical of the question at this point, though we still have no reply.

That’s why it’s not Ruby on Rails what I was thinking of, but just Ruby, because It’s on Rails.


Just to be clear to everyone, this is the new answer that you have to find a question for.

What is the meaning of life?

Almost, you’re very close!

What is the answer to everything?

Getting closer… :smile:

What is the only answer that we can give to those few ignorant discuss users that are able to give and format code, yet don’t wish to because of other people potentially ‘copying’ them? :wink:

I don’t know, I’ll think about it.

Not the question I was thinking of, but I guess it’s correct :smiley:

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What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

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YOU GOT IT! Congratulations. Now gimme another answer.


I got it? Yup. Totally. No Google involved.

I have no answers to give, so you can do another.

For those who don’t believe this, click here.

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Did you get this by reading Douglas Adams “,”?

“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


Another question that would have been accepted is,

What is frequently given as an example value in lesson text, regardless of language?

Is there a question on the table?

Or should I try to lay one down? :slight_smile:

You mean an answer. And no, there’s not.


I guess, I should watch more Jeopardy! :blush:

That blushing face really accentuates your demonic mouth

Please, lay one down on us!