Code Jeopardy

I want to play a game! (Don’t be scared, I’m not the Jigsaw Killer :smiley: )

I’ll describe an answer, and you have to come up with the best question to the answer (so basically jeopardy).
Also add your own original answers.

Here’s the first answer that you have to question:
This language is very similar to a train
Congratulations to @mtf for finding the right question ‘What is Ruby?’

His second answer is:
Can you find the question?

Have fun coming up with questions!

Here’s an example from the wikipedia page of Jeopardy:
From the Wikipedia article:

“This ‘Father of Our Country’ didn’t really chop
down a cherry tree”, to which the correct response would be “Who is/was
George Washington?”
(Contestants are free to phrase the response in the form of any
question; the traditional phrasing of “who is/are” for people or “what
is/are” for things or words is almost always used.)



I haven’t played Jeopardy recently, so let me know if I ask a question I’m not allowed to :slight_smile:

This language is very similar to a train

Is this language commonly used (or intended) for web-based apps, or system apps?

Or for games, flash or other?


Idk how to play this, so I’m gonna watch for now.

He won’t respond anyways :joy:

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From the Wikipedia article:

For example, “This ‘Father of Our Country’ didn’t really chop
down a cherry tree”, to which the correct response would be “Who is/was
George Washington?”
(Contestants are free to phrase the response in the form of any
question; the traditional phrasing of “who is/are” for people or “what
is/are” for things or words is almost always used.)

No asking for clues @zystvan !


Yes, that’s a whole different game. “20 Questions” – which could be fun too.

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@nicoekkart I’m still not entirely sure how to play, but I’ll try :sweat_smile:

I’m thinking it’s probably C, Java, or PHP - I only get one guess, though right? I’ll guess Java for now.

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What is java? Or what is Javascript.

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That’s indeed how you play. @zystvan
The question is not right though, except if you can find a valid explanation (the question in my mind might not be the only possibility).

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idk I was just repeating what he said in the correct format :sweat_smile:

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@nicoekkart I associate those languages with a largeness, kind of a clunkyness when compared to a language like Python or something that’s much more beginner-friendly, and slowness (except for C).
Just like a train, which is slow at starting up, kind of clunky and large, especially freight trains (since you didn’t specify type, I’m assuming that’s what you meant :slight_smile:).

Bam zystvan wins life.


The type of train is not a factor.

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Then HTML, because it’s like a toy train, it’s the easiest to use and is often given to beginners to see if they like coding, or if they like playing with trains. Although you shouldn’t play with freight trains :sweat:


That could apply to many things. You guys need to think of attributes that are more particular to trains.

What is ‘Ruby on Rails?’



Oh duh ruby on rails

Chugga chugga chugga CHOO CHOO
I think Roy wins this one IMO

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Isn’t Ruby on Rails a framework?

Not a language?


Edit (From Official Rails):

Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language. It is designed to make programming web applications easier by making assumptions about what every developer needs to get started. It allows you to write less code while accomplishing more than many other languages and frameworks.

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