Can this bootcamp really get me a job?

I have no coding experience. I found a boot camp which is cheaper than others, claiming that they could make me a junior developer in three months. is it possible?
they say:

“Over 12 weeks you will learn the languages and skills that are highly in demand and learn how to build a website, from HTML to JavaScript. Our intense full-time Bootcamp is led by our team of experienced developer who each have over 10 years in the industry. You will work on real projects while collaborating as a team…”

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No doubt that this course will majorly improve your coding skills. And If you study/ work hard enough anything is possible, but that is a pretty big guarantee.


Short version:
It’s a massive risk if you’re leaving your job, so I wouldn’t advise that.

You’ll learn a lot, but so will everyone else who has done this kind of course, ever, so even if you go for a job in this field, there will be plenty of others trying for that same job.

Take the course if you’d like, but don’t quit your job just yet.


Do read this…I hope it will guide you more and will help you with your decisions…

Alternative like or is better option to go on with your own pace!


And !

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Well that was self explanatory!

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thanks for advice and great answers everyone.

I cannot learn online and by myself. I have tried. I have to be in a class.

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they don’t mention ruby or python. is this a problem?

Depends really. Send a link to the course, I would like to see exactly what course this is.

is it possible to send it in private?

of course, click on my name then click message :slight_smile:

thanks. i cant see message option. is because i am new to the forum?

Yep. I’ll create a group message then remove myself, and you guys can talk freely :stuck_out_tongue: