Can the content of the `<title>` element be the same as the content of the `<h1>` element?


Can the content of the <title> element be the same as the content of the <h1> element?


Yes. While the content may be the same, it doesn’t have to be. The content of the <title> element is metadata about the page. It is displayed within a window tab and is used for page indexing. On the other hand, the content of the <h1> element is used to create a heading hierarchy. <h1> content is usually very prominently displayed on the site itself.

It doesn’t always make sense for the content of these two tags to be identical.


Yeah, It could be but the main diiference is that metadata of couldnt display on the page while

main heading display on the page


what is page indexing ?


Indexing is crawling data by search engines from your webpage and storing it into search engines databases. For SEO optimization, it is good that each of your page has a in tag relevant content.


How can I make a good indexing, how to choose the correct words or structure the data in the best way?


There are well over 200 factors that come into play when measuring the relevancy and quality of a webpage. It’s not something that can covered in a single answer. How many signals does the page contain that indicate the same topic or idea? How explicit is the title in relation to the content of the page? How easy is it to discover the outline of the page? Is the page free of grammatical and spelling errors? Is the meaning relatively simple to disseminate? Does the HTML validate? Is the page accessible? Is it mobile friendly?

Some people believe that as long as you have lots of inbound links then it’s a sign the page is popular and will receive a higher page rank. It is not as simple as all that. How many competing sites is yours up against? How many keywords can you compete with? What’s the bounce rate of your page?

This is not a simple discussion. Start reading now and in a year’s time you might be half way to being prepared.


that was a perfect answer but leads to other questions ,
can you please suggest what can we read in order to improve the page index ?
thank you !


This one will be a good start…

Beginner's Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Moz


It is also convenient for SEO to differentiate the titles and H1 to give different and relevant information to bots about the whole site and each page.

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If the TITLE and H1 elements match, or nearly match, search engines have a easier time choosing the description to use in the SERPs for that page.

It would make no sense to have a TITLE, Oranges and an H1, Apples


Hi ! I’m just starting to learn about web dev and I wanted to know if you have some books or websites on this topic that you could recommand ?
Thanks !

My go to site for books used to be SitePoint, but there are several other publishers. SP has decent prices, and all their titles are also available in ebook for about a third the price. If you buy SitePoint Premium membership many of the ebooks are free.


Thank you very much ! :smiley:

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Definitely, great site.

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Is the element only meant to be used within the element?

The <title> element in HTML is used to define the title of a document, such as a webpage. It is not meant to be used within the <h1> element. Instead, it is typically placed within the <head> section of an HTML document. The <h1> element, on the other hand, is used to define the most important heading on a page, typically the main heading. It can be used within the <body> section of an HTML document to structure the content of the webpage. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Webpage Title</title>
    <h1>Main Heading</h1>
    <p>This is the content of my webpage...</p>

Both elements are not used within each other as each serves its own functionality.

h1 elements can contain other types of content (e.g. images), but a title element can only contain text.